Over and over again, here's the pattern we get in nearly every exchange on this thread with the, ah, well, call 'em what you will; I'll use toads and toadies -
Toad/toadie - Says something really stupid, a 1/2 truth or an outright lie
Playwrite - Tells toad/toadie that is really stupid, a 1/2 truth, or an outright lie based on facts, facts, facts, facts, facts. Prove me wrong toad or toadie
Toad/toadie Begins to shovel more horeshit (i.e., really stupid assertions, 1/2 truths, and outright lies) to bury initial horseshit. Also tells Playwrite he is a meanie, that they are going to ignore, master is a liar, etc. etc.
Playwrite - Notes that toad/toadie still hasn't back up their initial assertion, 1/2 truth, or outright lie but instead have simply given just more horseshit. He does so with facts, more facts and still more facts.
toad/toadies -Blow gasket. "You lie, Playwrite!" You should die, Playwrite", etc. etc.