Originally Posted by
herbal tee
In looking over the mail I gotten this weekend I find that I have to fight with my mothers precription drug plan because they want to charge her more than her meds. cost without help!!!
Obamacare prescription drug plan appears to be a major fail. My story.
1. I tried to get refills in January with my new medical plan. The pharmacy said it didn't go through. However, for some reason, the plan I canceled would go through. Well, I need my meds, so I tell them to just go ahead and fill them using the now defunct old plan. [The hell with insurance companies anyway. If they fuck up to my favor, I'll screw them like they screw everyone else. ]
2. I call up the customer service number and was on hold for 1 hour plus. So I put my cell phone on speaker and play poker online while waiting for an answer.
3. Finally get an answer. They said I didn't pay. WTF? I did pay and pulled up my credit union statement and told them they took out the premium on such and such date.
4. They back off and said, yeah, I paid, but I have to use either Walgreens or CVS because their prescription handling was screwed up. OK, so I know they're idiots and liars now. They also said Walgreens/CVS would fill said prescriptions for free. [ Another lie].
5. I call Walgreens , transfer prescriptions and tell them about my insurance company's stupidity. They said, yes, assorted health insurance companies stuff isn't quite working and they have staff to fix the mess.
6. I transfer prescriptions over and this month, was and was able to get them filled, but not "for free". The cost is what is on the card, not free.
7. So, next problem, no bill came in the mail until the 29th of Jan. [I got impatient and paid by phone on the 20th by credit card, so I can an even better method proof of payment. ] Now, this I shall do for now on. Every 15th of the month, I won't wait for bills. I shall call and pay by credit card because I'm expensive for them and I think they want me gone and since they've proven themselves as incompetent liars. Next up is some lab work I've been saving, since my old plan didn't pay for that. So I'm gonna be even more expensive now.
I think now is also a good time to schedule a colonosocpy as well. If I'm gonna make myself a loss leader, I may as well go all in.
Also, all of my nieces and nephews are opting out of Obamacare because of the cost.
Ditto. Mine are all Milles. Excepting the youngest one who is still in middle school, there are some severe Millie issues.
1. I have 2 nephews who work at Macy's in Virginia. They don't even know they're supposed to sign up, so they blew it off. Since they live in the new economy of everyday low wages, yeah, they can't afford it and have no patience for buggy web sites. Now I have 1 nephew who is a convenience store manager so he gets his from his employer. The final nephew has bipolar/ aspergers and is on SSI, so he gets Medicaid. As for the place I work for, part time employees get no health insurance, like me. The Millies and younger Xer's there are blowing it off as well. They have very expensive tablet/cell phone/ whatever plans they pay for with their meager wages. I think gaming has a higher priority than health insurance for the folks at work. I think their junk food bills are sort of high as well. Monster energy drinks and Wendy's stuff ain't cheap. My foodies are cheap stuff like beans, blueberries, avacadoes, and yogurt to mix with the blackberries. I also have onions and dried habaneros as well. Meat is too damn expensive to it's a fairly rare item nowadays.
oOn eextended family may not be a microcossim of the larger trends but I know of others who hva similar delimnas.
I think our political system makes sausage legislation now. A bunch of random stuff is mixed up and ground up to make a bill. I think it was Bismark that said not to look at what actually went into the sausage because it's gross. I think Obamacare went like this. It was supposed to fix mass unisured problem, but once it hit the sausage factory [Congress], Congresses owners [big pharma, health insurance companies, and perhaps an HMO or 2] brought in a bunch of sausage ingredients to prepare the final legislation, known as Obamacare. The ingredients got ground up and mixed together into a 2000+ page piece of legislative sausage. That is why its hard to understand. I know I don't know what the ingredients are. Sometimes I think one of the ingredients is E Coli.
Could it be that the whole system is going to get so complecated and expensive from the complecations that the whole thing is going to implode at some point?
NO! Since Congress's owners get swill from this program, it will be duly bailed out and assorted accounting tricks will be performed. The only problem I see with it is getting 50 somethings to lobby for Obamacare's continuation. Obamacare is Medicare for Jonesers. Jonesers are the largest 10 year cohort there is. Obama is a Joneser. Jonesers need to realize they/we got our own gravy train now and need to keep it rolling. We may not like the company we keep like Big pharma, but if we get swill, don't complain man. I know it takes some work to get swill, but that's OK.
We deserve a break today, at Obamacare from that old McDonalds ad
We deserve a break today, at McDonalds.
This is starting to look like a series of interlocking problems that will need to be addressed further in the 4T.
I think it's 1 problem. Welcome to Gilded Age 2.0 The way stuff is going, Xer's seem destined to push the reset button at some point and set stuff up their way. Please watch Fight Club, written by a 1962 cohort member.
MBTI step II type : Expressive INTP
There's an annual contest at Bond University, Australia, calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term:
The winning student wrote:
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and promoted by mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end."