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I’m open to change, but for discussion, let’s list it as follows:
1T – Consensus
2T – Awakening
3T – Hiatus
4T – Quenching
These terms coincide with the S&H theory being from a Prophet perspective. So let’s look at it from a Boomer life cycle:
1T- Advancement Consensus – The Boomers inherited this, but never took ownership.
2T- Atonement Awakening – Part One of Boomer revolution: challenge Advancement monopoly.
3T- Stalemate between the two paradigms (and multiple versions of each paradigm).
4T- Advancement Quenching – Part Two of Boomer revolution: establish Atonement monopoly.
1T- Atonement Consensus
What I especially want to get away from is the idea that a 1T has to be a “High.” Sure it’s a high if the 4T ends on a high note. Reconstruction was not a high for the South, it was very much a low. It was however a forced atonement/consensus.
Likewise, crises need not occur during a 4T. The English Civil War, the French Revolution, the War of 1812 and the Russian Revolution were all examples of non-4T crises. Each was solved by some means other than paradigm simplification. From what I understand, the American Revolution and Crimean War were not real crises for England; however, I would assume that they both involved paradigm reduction, making them both 4T’s. (Somebody please check me on this.)
The Napoleonic Wars were more of England's 4Ting. During the Am Rev, England was 3Ting.
"There have always been people who say: "The war will be over someday." I say there's no guarantee the war will ever be over. Naturally a brief intermission is conceivable. Maybe the war needs a breather, a war can even break its neck, so to speak. But the kings and emperors, not to mention the pope, will always come to its help in adversity. ON the whole, I'd say this war has very little to worry about, it'll live to a ripe old age."