I asked my girlfriend which was worse to talk about and she said what I thought she would, "Both"
There are plenty of examples of lack of respect for human life.
-"Death Rooms" in hospitals. If you can't pay your bill and are dying they put you in a room to die even if they can help the person.
-This is a personal example. I had a couple of friends from America. I knew them because Nancy (my fiance) was tutoring them in Chinese. They were English teachers at a training school. Well, the guy comes down with apendicitus and goes to the hospital and the doctors said they were going to take his apendex out right away. Then there boss shows up and talks to the doctors and after that they decided to give him some antibiotics and see if it went away. (We all know that is BS)
It turns out what the problem was was that the school was supposed to take out an insurance policy on them and hadn't. That is the law for hiring foriegn teachers. So they were uninsured and didn't know it. They ended up getting the surgery and they did a bad job and it wasn't draining properly. So they get worried because the school had been getting in the way the whole time so they decided to sneak out of the country to get proper care. Their ended being a big show down between the school, the police and some of my friends legally that is. And they paid a fine to get out of their contract. Well afterwards the lady from the school attacked my friends who were helping the couple get out of the country and they had police over keeping an eye on them and they talked to their land lady who luckily defended them.
Anyway, this type of thing is very common. I was talking to the wife on the phone and she told me all this and I said, "That's what it's like here." and she said that "The scariest thing was that nobody she talked to was surprized about all this"
-Workers die on the job all the time. Some workers died just up from my house last year because some equipement broke and they drown. Safety standards are horrible.
I can't think of anymore, but I think you get the jist of it.