Originally Posted by
Child of Socrates
What she said, plus I think this is still leftover resentment of Hillary Clinton; she was another First Lady who wouldn't take an intellectual back seat to anyone, not even her husband the President.
Here's a thumbnail of Michelle -
A 1985 cum laude graduate of Princeton, a 1988 graduate of Harvard Law School, a former associate dean at the University of Chicago and most recently a vice president at the University of Chicago Hospitals. She sat on six boards, including the prestigious Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
There's no question that she is capable of doing much as 1st Lady. The problem is getting slammed for whatever she does due to the remaining racist and sexist sewage sludge that still exists in our society.
"The Devil enters the prompter's box and the play is ready to start" - R. Service
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If you meet a magic pony on the road, kill it. - Playwrite