Originally Posted by
K-I-A 67
The people are pissed. I don't blame them for being pissed.
Demagogues of the Hard Right, paid retainers of the Hard, semi-fascist Right, have riled them up. Think of the "Love Sessions" of George Orwell's 1984, in which the monopoly Party offers people the opportunity to steel their emotions with images of "Goldstein" and other "Enemies of the People" as well as footage of the vileness and aggressiveness of the enemy of the day. The "wolves in sheep's clothing" that people have become for lack of alternatives in the nightmarish Oceania become completely submissive to the Will of the Leadership and so scared of the Enemy as an intimate threat to themselves that they will do anything.
Those people are far beyond "pissed".
The Liberal Dems in Washington aren't all that interested in listening to them,
Who can learn anything from mad ranting? People disrupting a discussion in an open forum are intent on drowning out the rest of humanity with pure, unadulterated noise even after American voted for the politicians who arranged the town halls.
Our politicians, I believe, seek to clarify what is in potential legislation while getting input on how best to package the legislation to serve those who voted for them.
Sure, those "Liberal Dems" are in Washington -- but also Oregon, California, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico... We elected them; they don't command us. But they deserve to hear the concerns of their constituents, and well-organized mobs from out of the district aren't the constituents.
dealing with them or the party who most represents their interests. America wasn't set up or designed to be a one way street, a one way freight train for liberal want or thought or a we won, get over it mentality to rule and a Mr. Liberal Happy with a liberal yes stamp.
Our system wasn't designed to be a corporate free-for-all in which the loudest shouters with powerful backers would consistently get their way despite the vote of the public, either. You can thank the likes of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, and Jay for that.
The way I see it, if the Democrats can't take it or hear it from the other side in Washington then they'll just have to give it to them direct and tell it to them in a less formal and a nastier way in their liberal dens at the street level.
The Hard Right lost badly in 2006 and 2008. They had their chance to win with ideas, personalities, and policies from 1994 in Congress and from 2000 in the Presidency. They apparently fouled up badly, as shown in elections that they had to rig to win and couldn't rig. It's time for the Right to re-think how it is to develop a message that appeals to the electorate of 2010 and later.
Hey, don't come at it from the self righteous high almighty Millie position.
You need not show such a concern with me; I come at it from a self-righteous High Almighty Boomer position.
You voted for Obama despite all the liberal nasty (expletive deleted) that was going on or being placed on public display. Or, did you just put all that liberal nasty (expletive deleted) that was going on on ignore or cover your eyes for your own greater good or needs? Now, if that's the case, what does that say about you in relationship to me or them? Do you really have the right to say anything bad about them when you weren't willing or able to stand up, point out and address the liberal (expletive deleted) on your side?
As a Boomer I am getting close to retirement age. I have had to start over several times in life because of the choices of corporate bosses who see people only as drains on profit because they want more than the bare means of survival. I don't want to be a peon, a sharecropper, a serf, or a slave so that a few people can live like sultans.
So far we liberals seem to be the nicer people, the ones insistent upon rational arguments, and the ones who will win in the end because we can fine-tune our arguments as people express valid concerns instead of offering all-or-nothing alternatives.
The sewage comes from your side. Your side consisted of ungracious winners; now that they have become losers they have only ratcheted up the invective and resorted to thuggish methods.
Thank God that the military isn't behind them.
Last edited by pbrower2a; 08-11-2009 at 02:06 PM.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters