Originally Posted by
Bob Butler 54
Hmm... A spiral of violence is generally preceded by a spiral of rhetoric. This thread has been documenting isolated violent incidents, though I have not been too concerned as there is no one dominant motivation, the perpetrators seem to be lone nuts so far, and the escalating need for revenge hasn't been there yet. I will truly start to worry when an organization starts to fight another organization, with each trying to deter the other by demonstrating that any violent act will be turned around with interest. It still takes two to spiral.
Lone nuts assassinated McKinley, JFK, Bobby Kennedy, and MLK. One even tried to assassinate FDR. Lone nuts can make history -- some of the worst history. The Lincoln assassination was itself a conspiracy -- of nuts.
But Sullivan is touching on something important. On the rhetoric side, Limbaugh is trying to escalate while Obama is trying to deescalate. The more the idea is placed before the public that something is very wrong which justifies violence, the more lone nuts will start to act. If lone nuts acting becomes common enough, the organizations will come.
But do the organizations have the votes? If not the votes, do they have the ability to stage a coup?
President Obama seems to try to let the memes die of their own staleness and both intellectual and moral emptiness. He seems to believe, as does the usual optimist, that truth prevails where the light of reason has a chance. Of course, those who show the most virulent hatred of Obama seem to dread enlightenment as much as they dread an IRS audit.
Given basic demographics, I don't know that the old white majority can win in the long term, but they might prevent anyone from winning.
They seem to be trying a "tire the opposition down" strategy. Repetition of an idea, even if the idea is nothing more than a bad meme, is a powerful effect.
Since the Oklahoma City bombing, both main stream parties have been united in saying domestic terrorism is not an acceptable means to achieve political change. I started being concerned about spirals of violence and looking at their role in 4Ts at the time of the Waco, Ruby Ridge, and OKC incidents. Shortly following those times, there was a rejection of terrorism by both the American politicians and the American People. It seems now that the old Republican conservative movement can see its own destruction. Given how difficult it is to alter one's basic values, violence seems more likely than accommodation. They could move from creating a 'War on Terror' to using terror to maintain some shadow of their former power, towards keeping their values front and center in the national debates.
Desperate people turn to violence. Those who see their world coming to an end except for heroic struggle against increasingly-popular change turn to violence. Think of the violent reaction of the KKK against Freedom Riders. Think of the Nazis ratcheting up the terroristic repression in Germany as the Allies closed in on the Fuehrerbunker. Think of Nicolae Ceausescu ordering his secret police to fire upon against peaceful protesters.
So far, more talk than action, and no organized action to speak of. So far...
Just as well. Let us all hope that the bad memes wear out.
Hopefully, Obama, in addition to quelling the spiral of rhetoric will also avoid creating any martyrs. Use of excessive force or even the appearance of violating the Bill of Rights to suppress conservative dissent would contribute to the escalation. The President was given lots of tools to fight terrorism during the Bush 43 administration. Using them against any conservative terrorist movement would have its hazards.
It's also important that liberals stay clear of teabag rallies. The appropriate response to violent rhetoric and ugly slogans isn't more of the same from the opposite direction.
Last edited by pbrower2a; 09-20-2009 at 01:13 PM.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters