Story in greater detail.
Story in greater detail.
...that's NOT what the article said:
Abdon was told he did not have enough paperwork on him when he pulled into a weigh station to have his commercial truck checked...
A representative at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) returned 3TV’s calls after researching the incident and she said this was standard operating procedure. The agents needed to verify Abdon was in the country legally and it is not uncommon to ask for someone's birth certificate.
...i.e., this would have happened before the new law in AZ.
He provided his commercial driver’s license and a social security number but ended up handcuffed.
...makes it his arrest look like an abuse of the previous system. Assuming the story is as Mr. Abdon claims.
Every time you make any law, there's a potential for abuse, which is something for you to keep in mind the next time YOU propose a new law, or a strengthening of an old one.
And I will be here to remind you.![]()
...So cry many Boomers like Haymarket & Playwrite whenever they fail to explain their hypocritical self-justifications, their double-standards, and their double-think forays into evil. Perhaps their consciences bother them, perhaps not. Who knows.
To find out whether this was actually "standard operating procedure" one would need to search through records of weigh stations all across AZ to find how many drivers, if any, were asked for their birth certificates upon arrival.
As neither of us have done that, I think at this point we're just talking over our heads.
Last edited by Rose1992; 05-01-2010 at 12:57 PM.
...In posts #1096 & #1098, I said we should wait until the full story comes out, rather than Mr. Abdo's one-sided (and, I'll bet, partisan) presentation of the story.
...So cry many Boomers like Haymarket & Playwrite whenever they fail to explain their hypocritical self-justifications, their double-standards, and their double-think forays into evil. Perhaps their consciences bother them, perhaps not. Who knows.
The part I bold faced is the potential problem. Is speaking Spanish and having brown skin sufficient grounds for "reasonable suspicion"? If so, this *is* de facto racial profiling even if the law itself technically does not bring race into it.
And will law enforcement have different standards in enforcing traffic laws? A cop that might not bother going after someone who "looks white" driving 40 in a 35 zone where they could stop someone who looks Hispanic on the same grounds. And the speeding is cause for a "lawful contact," I agree -- IF enforcement were uniform. But will some of them be looking for minor violations for people who look Hispanic that they might otherwise let slide?
Looking forward to reactions from everyone.
Jefferson County geometry teacher uses wrong example to teach angles --- assassination of President Barack Obama
By Marie Leech -- The Birmingham News
May 18, 2010, 6:30AM
and Carol Robinson --- The Birmingham News
A Jefferson County teacher picked the wrong example when he used as*sassinating President Bar*ack Obama as a way to teach angles to his geome*try students.
Someone alerted autho*rities and the Corner High School math teacher was questioned by the Secret Service, but was not taken into custody or charged with any crime.
"We did not find a credible threat," said Roy Sex*ton, special agent in charge of Birmingham's Secret Service office. "As far as the Secret Service is concerned, we looked into it, we talked to the gentleman and we have closed our investigation."
Obama-1201.jpgA Corner High geometry teacher picked the wrong example, President Barack Obama, to use in a lesson on angles. The lesson resulted in a Secret Service investigation. (AP) Sexton said he generally doesn't discuss threat cases, but confirmed his of*fice investigated the inci*dent. No federal charges followed the probe.
The teacher was appar*ently teaching his geometry students about parallel lines and angles, officials said. He used the example of where to stand and aim if shooting Obama.
"He was talking about angles and said, 'If you're in this building, you would need to take this angle to shoot the president,' " said Joseph Brown, a senior in the geometry class.
Efforts to reach the teacher for comment Mon*day were unsuccessful. Superintendent Phil Hammonds said the teacher remains at work, and there are no plans for termination.
"We are going to have a long conversation with him about what's appropriate," Hammonds said. "It was extremely poor judgment on his part, and a poor choice of words."
Caroline Polk, the parent of a ninth-grader at the school, said she doesn't be*lieve the teacher ought to be fired.
"We all make mistakes, and we should be able to learn from our mistakes," she said. "What he said was just wrong and inappropri*ate. Everyone's got their own opinions, but we have to be aware of our sur*roundings. At this point, it just needs to be handled in a way that it won't be re*peated."
David Kaiser '47
My blog: History Unfolding
My book: The Road to Dallas: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
Well, glad the Secret Service is on the job. No doubt they're right and the teacher himself is no threat, and it's also unlikely kids the age of his students would get the idea to shoot the president from this lecture, or be in a position to act on it if they did. But it may say something rather unpleasant about the general attitude in Birmingham.
"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?"
My blog:
The Order Master (volume one of Refuge), a science fantasy. Amazon link:
Smashwords link:
Ill-advised, to say the least! A geometry teacher might really be that oblivious to the implications of what he was saying, and that's the most charitable interpretation I can put on the incident.
How to spot a shill, by John Michael Greer: "What you watch for is (a) a brand new commenter who (b) has nothing to say about the topic under discussion but (c) trots out a smoothly written opinion piece that (d) hits all the standard talking points currently being used by a specific political or corporate interest, while (e) avoiding any other points anyone else has made on that subject."
"If the shoe fits..." The Grey Badger.
Shooting a president from a building at an angle.
Hummm, if I recall correctly that was not a hypothetical event in 1963.
Just sayin'.
Hm. Billiards diagrams and structural diagrams of Stonehenge could also be used to teach geometric principles.
Can't we just invoke the sicko/wacko/crazy explanation? I don't ask either left or right to justify the actions of its most extreme weirdos.
A real spiral of violence would involve militias way more numerous and wild than what we have now. Or perhaps a union like SEIU that gets ginned up by wage cuts and decides to riot or loot some government offices like the folks in Greece. When that happens, then I can take this thread seriously. I don't think it (a pattern of violence) is going to happen.
The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected. - G.K. Chesterton
What an unabridged idiot.
If you feel you need to murder a high official to get kids interested, why not pick the obvious chalkboard problem: John F. Kennedy.
Let's say you don't like that because it's a person the kids may not even know about, which is a sad fact but possibly true. Try picking someone else. Pick, say, Sean Hannity, or OBL, or maybe even the president of BP.
Nah, I got a better one. You want to teach geometry? Ask the kids what angle they'd have to drill to plug the leaking well in the gulf. In fact you could make it a field trip and maybe even get on the news in a good way! I'll bet you a dollar you'd get on the Today Show. Is that still on? Been so long since I've watched TV I have to ask.
I actually think the guy should be fired or at least suspended for a few months. I didn't get any specific reactions.
David Kaiser '47
My blog: History Unfolding
My book: The Road to Dallas: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.
-Still hunting for the Wicked Tea Party Witch, Ahab?
-Me to. And what they found out was:
-True. How does everyone feel about the attitude of communities which fantasized about the death of President Bush? Or are your concerns... partisan?
Oh! Just found a recent example:
...or JFK:
...who has the virture of being already dead.
FWIW, regardless of his intent, he needs to find a new job. What a wonderful life lesson on common sense!
BTW, in light of the obvious attempt to find Wicked Tea Party Witches, any indication of what the teacher's politics are?
...So cry many Boomers like Haymarket & Playwrite whenever they fail to explain their hypocritical self-justifications, their double-standards, and their double-think forays into evil. Perhaps their consciences bother them, perhaps not. Who knows.
"Freedom is not something that the rulers "give" the population...people have immense power potential. It is ultimately their attitudes, behavior, cooperation, and obedience that supply the power to all rulers and hierarchical systems..." - Gene Sharp
"The Occupy protesters are acting like citizens, believing they have the power to change things...that humble people can acquire power when they convince themselves they can." - William Greider
Police state: How Mexico treats illegal aliens.
and there's more...– The Mexican government will bar foreigners if they upset “the equilibrium of the national demographics.” How’s that for racial and ethnic profiling?
– Illegal entry into the country is equivalent to a felony punishable by two years’ imprisonment. Document fraud is subject to fine and imprisonment; so is alien marriage fraud. Evading deportation is a serious crime; illegal re-entry after deportation is punishable by ten years’ imprisonment. ...
– Law enforcement officials at all levels — by national mandate — must cooperate to enforce immigration laws, including illegal alien arrests and deportations. The Mexican military is also required to assist in immigration enforcement operations. Native-born Mexicans are empowered to make citizens’ arrests of illegal aliens and turn them in to authorities.
1) Tsk, tsk, temper, Mr. Tone (with the Gandhi tagline)! Please explain which point (or points) you disagree with, and then we'll work from there;
2) It's possible you might not have noticed because you're new here, or maybe you just haven't noticed (Period), but DK has been on a kick to "prove" that The Evil Tea Partiers are a serious threat to public safety, despite the fact that the REAL violence had been perpetrated by the minions of Obamacare and the like. This is just his latest attempt to jazz up the troops- his previous one concerned a case where Tea Partiers stole a poster. To what mysterious purpose he's jazzing the troops is anyone's guess.
A poster.
With more justice, you could argue that he's the troll;
3) Almost Always!
Do you actually read all my posts, or do you only respond to the ones you disagree with?
Still haven't checked out any of any of my old "non-partisan" threads, huh? Too much work?![]()
-Huh. And yet, it's the Left that has constantly resorted to violence in this country, even as the Left pretends to be afraid of non-existent threats on the right.
Oh. Except for Poster Thieves.
And Over-Enthusiastic Shouters.
...So cry many Boomers like Haymarket whenever they fail to explain their hypocritical self-justifications, their double-standards, and their double-think forays into evil. Perhaps their consciences bother them, perhaps not. Who knows.
OK, so explain the ACW in terms of Left wing violence? After that, explain the use of thugs by literally every mining operation in existence in the 19th and early 20th century. Tell us about Joe Hill.
The Right has always had the might ... and used it.
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.
I see your answer is yes.
I read your old posts, they were impossibly opinionated, just like you. I am interested in discussion here, not being lectured to by some know-it-all with a little emperor complex. I am not Gandhi, BTW. When my inner voice says call an a$%hole an a&%hole I do so.
You james d glick are an unmitigated a%$hole. Fortunately your own life is surely more punishment then I could ever mete out. I will waste my time on you when I see fit, with full knowledge that it is pointless because you are hopeless.
I do have one question though...
It must be terrible to have driven everyone away from you, is that why you hate women so much?
"Freedom is not something that the rulers "give" the population...people have immense power potential. It is ultimately their attitudes, behavior, cooperation, and obedience that supply the power to all rulers and hierarchical systems..." - Gene Sharp
"The Occupy protesters are acting like citizens, believing they have the power to change things...that humble people can acquire power when they convince themselves they can." - William Greider
-Let me get this straight: A Leftie murders a guy, and that's proof of a threat from Conservatives or Libertarians? That's Khutzpah. You're kidding?
-I wouldn't consider Union thugs to be rightist, and they failed to put mining operations out of business. The SEIU is the closest modern comparison, and government sector Unions aren't anything to be proud of.
-President Lincoln and the Unionists were guys who believed in the free-market. If Lincoln showed up today, Odin would be screaming for him to be slapped. The rebels, like modern Liberals, despised the free enterprise system, despised "Yankees" as greedy Maamon-worshippers. So the rebels looked to "sophisticated" Europe, whose attitude was the same as the rebs i.e. the same attitude Europeans have today. The only real difference is that the Brits & French of the time were decent enough to be offended by slavery.
Abraham Lincoln & the Elephants initiated one of the greatest privitizations in history- the Homestead Act. The Donkeys didn't like it because many of the beneficiaries would be immigrants. Of course, those immigrants came in legally and worked hard, since there wasn't any welfare on the frontier; the bums stayed in the big cities and voted Democrat. Sort of like they do today...
The rebels, like modern Liberals, despised the free enterprise system, and looked to the Europeans who then (like now), despised "Yankees" as Money-Grubbing Maamon-worshippers. The modern term seems to be "Greed Heads".
-All of the above ignores the fact that when it comes to those Evil Tea Partiers, they are the victims of violence, not the perpetrators. If Kaiser wants to see a threat, he should look at the Obamagoons who attack them. Anyway, his "fears" are obvioulsy bogus anyway. If Liberals really believed that Conservatives or Libertarians were a danger, they wouldn't insult them the way they do. They'd treat them the way they treat Jihadis- as someone so feared that they dare not utter a peep a la Comedy Central.
-Where? Perhaps you prefer reading posts written by people who don't know what they're talking about. Good luck with that philosophy.
-You must be thinking of your ideological comrade Pink Splice.![]()
...So cry many Boomers like Haymarket whenever they fail to explain their hypocritical self-justifications, their double-standards, and their double-think forays into evil. Perhaps their consciences bother them, perhaps not. Who knows.
The teacher got off light.
Geometry teacher who used Obama assassination to teach angles suspended 10 days without pay
By Marie Leech -- The Birmingham News
May 27, 2010, 10:20AM
The geometry teacher who used the assassination of President Barack Obama to teach angles will be suspended for 10 days without pay.
Corner High School teacher Gregory Harrison will also receive sensitivity training and have a letter of reprimand placed in his file, according to an announcement this morning at a Jefferson County school board meeting.
I'm satisfied. It's an excellent lesson for his kids and he can clean up his act.
David Kaiser '47
My blog: History Unfolding
My book: The Road to Dallas: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy