Good man. It's only harder at first; afterwards, you'll be free. That's an even bigger deal once you are there than it sounds beforehand. I hope you are damned proud of yourself for doing it that way.
If you have time, I'd recommend possibly doing a turkik language instead (or in addition to) an indian one. There's a big swath of the globe that speaks turkiks (all the way from turkey out to china, really); that's also an area where you're going to find relatively fewer english-speaking locals to compete with you. And what's more, it's an area that is definitely in an upwards-trend in terms of value to the world at-large.
If you speak, for example, Turkish, you'll be able to get by pretty well (or even just plain pick up) Kazakh, Uzbek, Armenian, Kyrgyz, Azeri, and so on. At least the swear words are pretty close to all exactly the same

My advice is free, and unfortunately worth exactly what you pay for it. But there it is, nonetheless.