If the gun control issue came up again, this purple state I live in would turn a solid red. I personally don't see anything wrong with RESPONSIBLE ownership and use of guns. Keep it out of the hands of the whackos by all means, but I have nothing against sensible gun ownership.
Oh, and venison is quite delicious--especially when cooked well.
"There have always been people who say: "The war will be over someday." I say there's no guarantee the war will ever be over. Naturally a brief intermission is conceivable. Maybe the war needs a breather, a war can even break its neck, so to speak. But the kings and emperors, not to mention the pope, will always come to its help in adversity. ON the whole, I'd say this war has very little to worry about, it'll live to a ripe old age."
I know people normally see this as a liberal/conservative issue. But I know plenty of liberal democrats who hunt and own guns. I don't think it's as black and white as most people believe. And I agree, the Democrats would probably be best off if they just drop the issue. They are really only cutting off their nose to spite their face. What's the point in losing all those potential voters and people over this one issue? Oh they may pick up a few people, like Eric, who strongly oppose it, but there are far more people they will lose because of it.
Although I can't say for certain, because I didn't live here back then, but I have heard from other people who are life long residents that Texas use to be a mostly Democratic state. I'd be willing to bet if that is the case, the gun issue was probably one of the main reasons why it turned red.
Last edited by ASB65; 01-12-2011 at 11:32 AM.
Gun sales soared in Arizona and several other states on Monday after the shooting on Saturday of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, according to FBI figures provided to POLITICO.
Gun sales skyrocketed 60 percent in Arizona on Monday, Jan. 10, compared with the corresponding Monday last year. Giffords was shot and critically injured at a public event on Saturday. Six people at the event were killed; 12 others were injured.
Nationwide, sales were 5 percent higher on Monday than they were a year ago.
Gun sales spiked after the 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech and ahead of Jan. 1, 2000, as some Americans anticipated a Y2K technology disaster.
In Ohio, sales spiked 65 percent on Monday, the FBI said. They rose 38 percent in Illinois, 33 percent in New York and 16 percent in Florida.
Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, cautioned that one day’s worth of data might not mean there will be a sustained spike in gun sales.
But he said it might indicate that some Americans fear tougher gun control laws in the aftermath of Saturday’s attack so they want to stock up now.
“What it shows is maybe gun owners in Arizona and these other states feel that there’s going to be some change in the law, which is what I hope our elected officials” are working toward, Helmke said.
Shares of gunmakers Sturm, Ruger & Co. and Smith & Wesson were up less than 1 percent in trading on Tuesday.
Maybe not now, because the House GOP can put it on indefinite hold -- that is, until they are defeated in 2012. Likewise, mental health is an appropriate aspect of national health care, and paranoid schizophrenics usually lack the means with which to take care of themselves.
Question: which do we value more? Elite indulgence or the value of human life?
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." —Albert Einstein
"The road to perdition has ever been accompanied by lip service to an ideal." —Albert Einstein
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” —Albert Einstein
Other than a factual update to the 2010 thread I've refrained from commenting on the Giffords shooting as I've waited for more facts to come in. I now see and hear a line of spin that I feel needs to be addressed. And I happened to come across this article .:I agree totally.Originally Posted by MyDD
And lets not forget Sarah Palin's famous line that she likes to use all the time..."Don't retreat. Reload." Come on, folks. In what other way, could she possibly make it more clear to the nut case out there...Go get your gun.
The only nit I have with MyDD's statement is that there were a few Republicans that did receive threats and have their offices vandalized after the passage of the Health Care bill. But there were far more Democrats that were targeted. 90% of the anger in this country was directed at Democrats during that time.
Futhermore, for those who say this political environment we have in this country is nothing new, I seriously question that. I know we have not always agreed in the past, but I don't ever remember it being this heated. Here is my question. Has it always been common place to have several congressional people or other political figures receive threats or have their offices routinely vandalized because of they passed legislation people didn't like? Maybe it has been, but I'm not aware of this being commonplace in my memory.
Out of my respect for Amy I am going to make one more try here.
Although I am not interested in hunting myself, I have no objection to it. Indeed, I live in an area that is suffering from a real plague of deer, with serious health consequences (lyme disease) for some of my neighbors, but our island is much too small and populated to allow hunting on it. (There was talk about a bow-and-arrow hunt in our state park but it didn't happen.) This has happened all over the Northeast, where reforestation has vastly increased the deer population and, as noted above, there are no natural predators left. (Athough we also have a plague of coyotes.)
What amazes me is how even people like Amy pick up the line that anyone who wants to control, say, semi-automatic weapons wants to to stop hunting as well. That's the NRA line, and it's, frankly, ridiculous. There is an obvious middle ground here, and it's the right, not the left, that is ruling it out.
David Kaiser '47
My blog: History Unfolding
My book: The Road to Dallas: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
Thank you.
To his credit, he did once point out on national television that he pays a lower percentage of his income on taxes than his secretary does -- as a function of most of his income falling under "capital gains" as opposed to standard income. He underscored the irony since he is a billionaire.
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.
"Blood libel" she says. More code words from Palin, this time to those who don't like them Jews -- without being overt about it. That will resonate well with a certain crowd, and speaks volumes about her worldview. All they are good for is rebuilding the temple so that Jesus can come back faster, I suppose. Outside of that, money-grubbing, commie-inclined Christ killers one just has to put up with. Irony of ironies is that four of the folks seminally responsible for today's right-wing troglodytism, Ayn Rand, Ludwig von Mises, Leo Strauss, and Max Shactman, were all Jews. The latter a Trotskyite as well.
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.
I have heard and read enough about Sarah Palin that I have already made up my mind about her. I also know her back story, which I don't think a whole lot of people understand.
I'd say it's rather safe to say, that there is whole of lot people with close ties to Alaska like I have, (I lived there. My husband was raised there. My in-laws still live there) know exactly what this woman is all about. And by the way, I'm not just being partisan here. My in-laws and my husband who are very strong Republicans don't care for her either. There is a whole lot more to Sarah Palin than just meets the eye. And no, she really isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Last edited by ASB65; 01-12-2011 at 02:30 PM.
Once again, you show why the left is losing, and going to lose. They cannot survive without slanderous accusations. It is an accurate analogy. The accusation from the left is that their political opponents have blood on their hands. That they are directly responsible for these murders because of their speech.
Actually Z, I don't think this is an insidious message from Momma Grizzly.
I think this makes clear the woman is actually mentally retarded.
Says a lot about those who come to her defense (and I don't think they're being kind), let alone actually support the notion of her being presidential material.
"The Devil enters the prompter's box and the play is ready to start" - R. Service
“It’s not tax money. The banks have accounts with the Fed … so, to lend to a bank, we simply use the computer to mark up the size of the account that they have with the Fed. It’s much more akin to printing money.” - B.Bernanke
"Keep your filthy hands off my guns while I decide what you can & can't do with your uterus" - Sarah Silverman
If you meet a magic pony on the road, kill it. - Playwrite
"The Devil enters the prompter's box and the play is ready to start" - R. Service
“It’s not tax money. The banks have accounts with the Fed … so, to lend to a bank, we simply use the computer to mark up the size of the account that they have with the Fed. It’s much more akin to printing money.” - B.Bernanke
"Keep your filthy hands off my guns while I decide what you can & can't do with your uterus" - Sarah Silverman
If you meet a magic pony on the road, kill it. - Playwrite
This points out one of the most insidious attacks on our democracy, that gets little to no notice. The Telecommunication "Reform" Act of 1996, ironically presided over by Clinton. Previous to this "reform" there were clear cut rules on how much media in a particular market could be owned by one entity. Afterward, there was basically none. As a result, almost all of what Americans see on TV and hear on the radio is presided over by about 8 corporations. This makes it only too easy for misinformation to be propagated to the public, to the point where a sizable percentage of Americans actually believe that Saddam Hussein has something to do with 9/11.
And it also set the stage whereby there is virtually no honest reporting in the US anymore. All of it comes with a slant, or an agenda, based on the source and ownership of the media involved. Somewhere between Iraq War I and the OJ Simpson trial we discovered that news can be a for profit enterprise, and the assault on truth over entertainment was on. Decisions are made based on profit, shareholder return and political agenda, rather than the calling to properly inform the electorate.
To quote an article I read somewhere but can't put my finger on (read: too lazy to google at the moment), the fourth estate has become the fifth column. Tim Russert may have been the last honest newsman in America.
Edward R Murrow tried to warn us back in 1958, when there were only 3 TV networks. He foresaw, I think, something of what we are experiencing today. I urge anyone to google his speech to the Radio and TV News dinner, I think it was dramatized too in the movie "Goodnight and Goodluck". The entire text is thought provoking, this is a snipet.
"One of the basic troubles with radio and television news is that both instruments have grown up as an incompatible combination of show business, advertising and news. Each of the three is a rather bizarre and demanding profession. And when you get all three under one roof, the dust never settles. The top management of the networks with a few notable exceptions, has been trained in advertising, research, sales or show business. But by the nature of the corporate structure, they also make the final and crucial decisions having to do with news and public affairs. Frequently they have neither the time nor the competence to do this."
"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."
Malcolm Reynolds
"I ran across a book recently which suggested that the peace and prosperity of a culture was solely related to how many librarians it contained. Possibly a slight overstatement. But a culture that doesn't value its librarians doesn't value ideas and without ideas, well, where are we?"
Lucien, Librarian of Dream (from The Sandman, issue 57 (1993) by Neil Gaiman)
Early-wave GenX
I believe someone was suggesting buying a "large dog" as a means of self-defense. He may find this next article interesting:
I found this one rather amusing:
Non-practicing Marine saves woman from a dog attack:
Those are just some recent articles I was able to pull from a single website. I could post thousands more if I had that kind of time. There have also been several studies and surveys done to provide self defense statistics for firearms including a fairly well known survey from 1994 done by Florida State University. As a professor you should be able to obtain these if you were interested. Average estimates seem to be around 2 million uses of a firearm in self-defense per year in the United States.
Last edited by Copperfield; 01-12-2011 at 06:35 PM.
I want people to know that peace is possible even in this stupid day and age. Prem Rawat, June 8, 2008
I could see how you may like or dislike the content of the article if you believe that Political Ideology is only Us or Them, and that to be against Us, equates to supporting Them.
Are all Political ideologies so cut-and-dried? The author even tried to throw-in the Conservative/Liberal Paradigm.
There were two lines that I liked, though:
"How the hell are we supposed to point out the problem if we can't mention the issue for fear of being charged with political exploitation?"
"Or are we not supposed to make the most obvious points so that we don't offend the other political side's delicate sensibilities?"
They are both very valid IMO.
Can you put yourself in the POV of the other Side?
Can you put yourself in the POV outside of both Sides?
PS:"How the hell are we supposed to point out the problem if we can't mention the issue for fear of being labeled a ________?"![]()
Last edited by princeofcats67; 01-13-2011 at 03:00 AM.
I Am A Child of God/Nature/The Universe
I Think Globally and Act Individually(and possibly, voluntarily join-together with Others)
I Pray for World Peace & I Choose Less-Just Say: "NO!, Thank You."
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.
Well I agree to a certain extent in that your post, and the sentiment it echoes, is a fine example of why the Right is doing so well these days: The Big Lie. It was perfected by Mr. Rove. Turn things completely around- up is down, down is up, and then hit and accuse hard. The Left has nothing on this. Goebbels would be impressed (Godwin be damned).
She may be uneducated, but she is far from mentally retarded. On the contrary, she is one of the shrewder out there. What could get her in trouble is her overarching ambition and/or an exposé of her true thoughts and motivations.
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.
Rani, I'll agree with you here. Yes, part of her speech/response was quite good. I guess I'll just blame my cynicism on having worked in the sector... give any good speech writer a few days and he/she can come up with just the right way to state something. Uplifting, powerful. Just what we need from our leaders in trying times. But that doesn't mean I'll ever agree with Sarah Palin's policies.
I'm beginning to sense that, as much as the media would have us spend our time discussing gun control, left/right hate speech, vicious political campaigning, prior attacks on politicians, etc. ad nauseum, that the majority of Americans are ignoring it. Not for the reasons one may think, though -- not that they prefer "Real Housewives" or NFL playoffs, but rather that they're tired of hearing the same, old $%#@ that tries to get us to continue to argue with one another.
I also realized I'm feeling the need to question my fiercely-moderate positioning. One very thoughtful blogger made the point that Americans have been lured into a sense of false moderation -- which the establishment is counting on for inaction on the part of citizens. His point is that the Tucson incident shouldn't embarass Independent Americans or shock them into diluting their challenges to the system. Or reconsider if stricter gun laws or laws restricting speech aren't needed. I'm not restating it nearly as well as he did, but hope I'm getting most of the point across.
I really do, after hearing the water cooler conversations, seeing the Facebook posts, hearing the radio call-ins, reading online blogs, etc. that we're getting ever closer to a realization -- of the majority, anyway -- that things are horribly wrong and something big must be done to right them. And people are walking away from the talking heads that want us to keep fighting each other, rather than the destruction of our country.
"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." —Albert Einstein
"The road to perdition has ever been accompanied by lip service to an ideal." —Albert Einstein
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” —Albert Einstein