Originally Posted by
Eric the Green
But if southerners are republicans now because of "The whole south used to be solidly Democrat. Guns, abortion, other conservative issues turned it." I'd say that's pretty backwards thinking anyway, whether it includes racism or not.
But in some southern states, the voters split by race, red or blue, in numbers like 80 to 90 percent. You'd have to think that all whites agree with themselves on all issues, and all blacks on all issues too, to dismiss the possibility that this is a racial divide.
The history could not be more clear. The south became solidly Democratic in about 1860 for one reason, and one reason only: civil war and reconstruction and the issue of black rights. The Republicans then were the majority party of the North and the party of Lincoln and black freedom. The Democrats were the party that hosted and tolerated the pro-slavery, pro-confederacy southerners, so white southerners became Democrats. And blacks were denied their right to vote.
Fast forward to 1964. Congress passes the civil rights bill. Freedom Summer begins black registration in the South. Barry Goldwater carries 5 southern states by wide margins for the first time since Reconstruction. 1965: voting rights act passed which enforces black right to vote. 1968: Nixon appeals to the South for votes and appoints Agnew VP. Ever since then, the only time southern states vote Democratic is if a southerner is running for president; except in 1968 Texas voted for LBJ's vice president. Bottom line: when the racial policies of the Democratic Party changed, the South went solidly Republican, and stayed there.
I note that Virginia and North Carolina (not to mention Florida) broke the spell and voted for Obama. I was hoping that was the start of a new day. But now the Tea Party has come along...
Okay, you are one of those. No point in trying to explain anything to you, provide an alternative viewpoint, because you have it all figured out, and you are clearly here to enlighten all of us morons. It couldn't possibly be any way other than the way you see it. I hope for your sake you are never in a situation where you or your family are in any real danger waiting for the police to come save you.
Good luck with all that, and thank God we have a Constitution to protect us from know it all's who would impose ill-conceived laws on the rest of us.
"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."
Malcolm Reynolds
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Lucien, Librarian of Dream (from The Sandman, issue 57 (1993) by Neil Gaiman)
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