It's not easy, but it's the only way to get the guns off the streets and out of criminal hands.
Let the police do their job. Reduce the criminal population, and the population of guns.
The way to perpetual violence, like in Tuscon Arizona and many other places: give up, assume there will always be lots of criminals with guns, cut off all rehabilitation and social programs (the Republican program iow), and allow everyone to carry guns and outgun the police. Do nothing except pack heat by your bed, fully loaded and ready for intruders.
That way doesn't work either. The guns are stolen by the criminals, or used by the owners no matter how law abiding, or used by friends and family accidentally.
Americans such as you D. need to decide sooner or later whether we ever want to live in a civilized society. Right now we don't apparently, to judge by comments by you, copperfield, and some others here; and yes James, by how too many Americans vote. And how few effective gun controls laws there are in the USA.
I didn't like westerns when I was a kid, and I don't like them in real life in heartland America today.
I know, if I speak my mind, I am close minded. If you speak your mind, you are not. That is perfectly logical.
But not that there is anything wrong with you speaking your mind. That's what discussions are for. I welcome it. Best wishes to you in gun land. Be careful, if you can; it's very dangerous. Happy trails.