No Kepi, the blame is clear, and could not be clearer. As I have said before, the kind of shooting that happened in Connecticut today, as well as in Clackamas Co. Oregon two days ago, and in Aurora CO, Tuscon AZ, etc. etc. etc., is something we can expect to happen more and more often, as long as the Republicans and DINOs control the agenda of this country. Just as every Republican is equally responsible for every hurricane, tornado, flood, drought, mass species extinction brought about by global warming, just as they are responsible for the economic recession and inequality that hurts so many people, so
they are just as responsible for these shootings as if they pulled the trigger themselves.
And so is everyone who opposes gun control.
America is a very primitive and violent country, enslaved and ensnared by backward, cynical ideologies that keep us in the dark ages while other countries advance. As long as we keep our heads in the sand, and do not pay attention to reality, we will continue to suffer these tragedies. This is the fourth turning. We will confront the results of being shackled with these ideologies every day now, from now on. Things will only get worse until we change. America must take responsibility for voting and acting correctly in our politics and our thinking, or we will continue to suffer a long, slow, painful, self-inflicted death.
I haven't donated to the Brady Campaign in a while, but I made a small donation today in honor of today's victims.
You can express your condolences here: