Originally Posted by
And now I wonder how many of these people advocating throwing a bunch of dogs between themselves and a violent person have ever actually owned a dog. I mean, since clearly none of them have ever been around a gun... it would make for an elegant sort of symmetry.
That's why I posted what I did about Cerberus. Having grown up around dogs (my parents were part of the Dog Show hobby, and were breeders and judges), they act as a good alarm system (they'll let you know the minute they know something is wrong), but all those melodramatic "man's best friend" stories about how dogs defend their master? Yeah... they're more likely to bark as long as whatever it is keeps its distance, but once it gets too close, it comes running and hiding behind you (still barking at the thing). The only time it takes on the foreign intruder, is if the thing isn't bigger than it is (which unless you have a Great Dane or an Irish Wolfhound, a human is going to be bigger than the dog), or it's another dog. Dogs can't stand stranger dogs and all rules fly out of their head when faced with one. And if it's an overgrown cat (like a Mountain Lion) again, it's feline, therefore the enemy. 
There's a reason that dogs were associated with the feminine in traditional symbolism (and it's not just because they howl at the moon). The only genuine attack dogs that I've encountered, are dogs that you don't want living in your home--and most definitely not around children--because they're ticking time bombs.
The only exception to this, is if you have a pack of dogs, then they'll go after just about anything as long as they're with their pack--but picking up after the pack and paying to feed them gets very costly very quickly. Also the pack has that "herd mentality" which doesn't always work to the best ability when chasing someone off your property... yeah.
Dogs were a great security when our biggest worries were other animals (mostly Mountain Lions) attacking us. But now that the intruder is most likely going to be human. That changes things.
And if you're going to still try this out, then I'd suggest not getting an attack dog (we need to hear less stories about "Pit bull/Rottweiler attacks Child"), instead go for one of the Hound or Working breeds. Dogs are the species that humans have been tinkering and tampering with for centuries (that's how we got so many breeds--a lot of breeding), and the different breeds have been bred for different reasons. Hounds and Working breeds were bred for Hunting and Retrieving, so they're the next best thing after an attack dog (my parents bred Hounds though, and they still ran behind me at the first sign of danger, and I was eight, so they're not a guarantee even there). There are some wonderful Working and Hound dogs out there. Don't just go out and get any old dog, pay attention to what the breeds were bred for, that'll give you a good idea of what they're "designed" to do. Sure Mutts are wonderful and it's great to get them as well, but in that case you're getting a "surprise bag". The AKC (American Kennel Club) has a wonderful book that breaks down each breed and what they were bred for.
And last but not least, know the personality of your dog--and if you want a dog that's more likely to go on the defensive, get a bitch and breed her. That way any intruder will be seen as a threat to her puppies and even if they're grown and gone, mother bitches are still as defensive.
That's about all the dog advice I can give.

Originally Posted by
The Rani
I dunno, but it pisses me off. Another fine example of liberal (lack of) compassion.
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” -- Mahatma Gandhi
Agreed, especially when you consider what those "attack dogs" had to endure in order to get "trained". And that's just the beginning of the horrors we do to our fellow animals.
Last edited by Chas'88; 12-26-2012 at 12:03 PM.
"There have always been people who say: "The war will be over someday." I say there's no guarantee the war will ever be over. Naturally a brief intermission is conceivable. Maybe the war needs a breather, a war can even break its neck, so to speak. But the kings and emperors, not to mention the pope, will always come to its help in adversity. ON the whole, I'd say this war has very little to worry about, it'll live to a ripe old age."