"Qu'est-ce que c'est que cela, la loi ? On peut donc être dehors. Je ne comprends pas. Quant à moi, suis-je dans la loi ? suis-je hors la loi ? Je n'en sais rien. Mourir de faim, est-ce être dans la loi ?" -- Tellmarch
"Человек не может снять с себя ответственности за свои поступки." - L. Tolstoy
"[it] is no doubt obvious, the cult of the experts is both self-serving, for those who propound it, and fraudulent." - Noam Chomsky
So far the bouncer's estimate is accurate, since Romney would (really) have been more like GW Bush, and the body count under Bush was much higher than under Obama. Obama is at least winding down the wars that Bush started. That would also be true for domestic violence (if he can get any gun control).
"Qu'est-ce que c'est que cela, la loi ? On peut donc être dehors. Je ne comprends pas. Quant à moi, suis-je dans la loi ? suis-je hors la loi ? Je n'en sais rien. Mourir de faim, est-ce être dans la loi ?" -- Tellmarch
"Человек не может снять с себя ответственности за свои поступки." - L. Tolstoy
"[it] is no doubt obvious, the cult of the experts is both self-serving, for those who propound it, and fraudulent." - Noam Chomsky
I want people to know that peace is possible even in this stupid day and age. Prem Rawat, June 8, 2008
Guns don't kill people. Financial advisors kill people:
Another statistically insignificant moment- for the entire metro police department...
I want people to know that peace is possible even in this stupid day and age. Prem Rawat, June 8, 2008
I noticed you didn't post this story. Why not? Perhaps you just prefer those dead kid stories instead...
...Actually the real lesson here is that .38's don't kill people even when you try really, really hard.
The gun toters think the government should begin to do its job, get serious and crack down on the boys in the hood, the mentally ill, the sicko's who illegally obtain firearms and all the illegal gun owners and gun dealers in the US vs cracking down on us (legal gun owner and law abiding citizens who own assualt rifles), pointing its finger at us and limiting and adding restrictions on our access to firearms.
Last edited by Classic-X'er; 01-15-2013 at 11:12 PM.
Delusional Conservatives like JDFP and classic-xer constantly rant about idiotic culture wars issues and refuse to admit the need for practical reform. Instead they rant about the 2nd admendment, and don't even care about the national interest of the nation. This phenomenon can also be seen in the anti-war left who refused to accept the need for a strong military and assumes that peace is the natural state of humanity despite the historical record massively refuting them. In an ideal solution to the political problems of america both the conservative and libertarian tea partiers AND the anti-war liberals would be purged from the body politic, after which we could get to the business of first rebuilding the economy without people constantly ranting about spending, then building up of military to 20 million men as well as getting our nuclear arsenal back to cold war levels. Then we should vassalized latin america in the style of eastern europe between 1945 and 1989, then pacify the middle east. The pacification of the middle east would be handled by administratively dividing the regions of north africa and the middle east as far east as afghanistan and pakistan into military regions. The final result would be very similar to the ancient roman colonias and the spanish american colonias of the 16th and 17th century, whole cities would be built in the middle east and populated by american, canadian, and latin american and brazilian peoples, however the construction of the proposed metropolises would be built by arab muslim labor. The result would be a forcibly westernized arab world that is no longer a threat to civilization.
Last edited by Cynic Hero '86; 01-16-2013 at 12:19 AM.
There's ways of acquiring assets to render spending a viable option again, left-wing democrats believe it is easiest to raise taxes on the wealthy, remember taxes were much higher on the high quartiles for most of the current saeculum than they are now. If however opposition prevents reasonable taxation, assets would have to be found abroad. Debts to foreign countries do matter under traditional republican and democrat foreign policies. However under my proposed solutions I've just mention foreign debts for the most part would not matter because they would be "renegotiated" after the military phase of the proposed programme.
Last edited by Cynic Hero '86; 01-16-2013 at 01:15 AM.
But it is precisely the "boys in the hood" who will go to prison under the liberals' gun-control schemes: In New York State, for example, 94% of those incarcerated under that state's iconic Sullivan Law are African-American or Latino - and it doesn't figure to be any different under the new batch of restrictive, confiscatory gun laws Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law yesterday.
Gun control is one of at least three contemporary political issues in which the putative "liberal" and "conservative" positions are being assigned counterintuitively; immigration and the Second Cold War; i.e., the "War on Terror" are the other two.
But maybe if the putative Robin Hoods stopped trying to take from law-abiding citizens and give to criminals, take from men and give to women, take from believers and give to anti-believers, take from citizens and give to "undocumented" immigrants, and take from heterosexuals and give to homosexuals, they might have a lot more success in taking from the rich and giving to everyone else.
Don't blame me - I'm a Baby Buster!
"Crack down on The Boys in the hood" = keep guns away from black people.You guys were OK with gun control as long as it was about keeping guns out of the hands of non-whites. Then Waco and Ruby Ridge comes along and the white gun nuts come under society's gaze and you guys freak out and start screaming conspiracies about UN black helicopters.
To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less.
-Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism
You can do whatever you want. But there's a big difference between taking an action intended to kill people that results in actually killing actual living people and waving words around and projected statistics.
Supposed lives are not even remotely qualitatively comparable to actual lives. What's more, human life being nonfungible, your attempt to do math with it is fundamentally flawed at the outset -- even if you were able to talk about actual, real lives being saved.
"Qu'est-ce que c'est que cela, la loi ? On peut donc être dehors. Je ne comprends pas. Quant à moi, suis-je dans la loi ? suis-je hors la loi ? Je n'en sais rien. Mourir de faim, est-ce être dans la loi ?" -- Tellmarch
"Человек не может снять с себя ответственности за свои поступки." - L. Tolstoy
"[it] is no doubt obvious, the cult of the experts is both self-serving, for those who propound it, and fraudulent." - Noam Chomsky