I don't think the US military or the government would remain united in a liberal cause that involves either discarding, removing particular portions relating to certain rights or drastically changing the wording of US Constitution to centralize its power and serve its own interests/puposes for very long. I don't view the AR-15 as a military weapon and I don't consider those who legally own them to be a threat to me or you or children in a school or the government. Unlike you, I've been around enough to understand that there is a major difference between a legal gunowner who has an AR-15 and shoots it for sport or shoots it for fun and a young psycho who murders his mother, steals her gun and enters a school and uses it to shoot unarmed teachers and little children for fun and be the so-called man for the day. Obviously, your issue is with guns in general and the liberal issue appears to be with guns in general. My issue is with people who shouldn't have guns who are the primary threats to society and do the bulk of the unlawful shooting and murdering. I don't expect libs to whole heartedly address my issues because addressing liberal sensitive issues relating to low income districts with high crime and lots of gun violence isn't good for their politics or the liberal image and taking a hardline-zero tolerence on gang violence could create an extended period of social unrest and political issues for them as well and promoting a more cautious-conservative approach with more strict guidelines and centering social policies on the removal of questionable/ potentially dangerous people with mental illness's could create issues for them too.