(gonna unite the two post-stings here, for the sake of... um... just because

"I'd prefer to" -- more weaseling. As if, although you would
much rather take the ethical course, the cold cruel universe (and whoever else you want to point the finger at and whine "his fault! not mine!!") not only does not allow you to make the ethical move, but literally and factually
forces you to do things that, had any person done them by
choice, would make them a monster. Happily, for the remnants of your conscience, you have no more autonomy in the matter than does any other non-willed robot.
So you chuck the grenade into the cafeteria; shed a (truly felt -- no, really, your heart is simply
rending) tear or two for the totally-unavoidable and totally-not-your-fault innocents whose lives are ended (oh, that passive voice! salve of many a guilty soul!); and make sure to keep your stock of grenades well-replenished for the next times. If you only had some sort of agency over your own actions!
As I said above, and bears constant repeating, such are not the foundations on which a healthy society is built or maintained.