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Just my perspective on this ...
There appears to be a couple different kinds of gun-owners. There are those who actually use them for something ... hunting, law-enforcement, armored car guarding, etc.
Then there are those who appear to me to live in a constant state of panic about events which almost never happen. These folks practice a lot, leave a lot of shot-up garbage laying around out in the country, stock up with tens of thousands of rounds of ammo, and rave on about the 2nd amendment. Some fraction of these folks, at least here in NM, are greatly concerned about protecting themselves and their families from the lean, hungry, brown-skinned barbarians from Mexico, Central and South America.
Unlike gun owners who actually use their firearms for something, they find it necessary to own Bushmasters with huge magazines, almost to a man (or woman). The exception to this, in my mind, would be the law enforement officer who likely keeps a rifle in the trunk.
IMO, from a perspective of any meaningful gun regulation, that train left the station a long, long time ago. And it's not coming back.
Valid points. I learned to shoot when I was young, since I lived in a area that was more rural than urban. Our little city of 45,000 (much less than that now) nested in an area of farms and forest. Hunting was very popular, though not in my family. Nonetheless, I learned to shoot everything from 22s to12 gauge shotguns, and could actually score well in trap shooting ... but not with the 12 gauge.
Guns are not a problem per se. Some peopls with guns, on the other hand ...
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.