Originally Posted by
Brian Rush
Of course, if you did this, you would eliminate the KGB and secret police prisons -- at least on a nationwide scale. The likely outcome, though, is that the existing ones would fragment and use their powers and skills (which really don't depend on the state) to make themselves local tyrants. And military officers, deprived of centralized national authority capable of keeping them in line, would do the same and become warlords. Power in the aggregate is a function of population and technology. It cannot be destroyed. Destroy an agent of its operation, e.g. the state, and the power formerly wielded by that agent does not disappear but passes into the hands of others. In actual history, the power wielded by the Soviet Union passed into control of the governments of its component republics and its former satellite states; if those had been destroyed at the same time, then it would have gone to local thugs and warlords. In no case would it have vanished, nor could it have been dispersed equally among all the people, creating genuine liberty.