Originally Posted by
Brian Rush
I don't think it is. Informal systems of control don't exist except over small groups of people who all know one another personally. They do not work at all in any context the size of a city or larger. Even over a tribe they require some degree of formalization.
We still use such systems of control over many groups within the nation. For example, we have an informal system of control over this discussion board. There is the authority of Craig, and also the ability of people to request changes in behavior from others. There is no formal government as such. Similar informal systems work in families, in groups of friends, in clubs organized around an interest, in churches, and so on. All of these are very much like the governing structures that used to exist in forager-hunter bands. That level of governance still exists and still operates, but because we now operate collectively at levels much larger than this, we must also have a state -- not to replace the informal band-level governance but to supplement it.