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Your statement shows clearly that you have no concern for anyone but yourself. Your desires are all that matters, and you don't care who you have to destroy to get what you want.
Your analogy to race is false, and unsustainable.
We have a militant, vitriolic, uncompromising movement demanding the overthrow of marriage as it has existed throughout human history, based on claims that have no basis in fact.
As I said before, the real problem here from a political and legal standpoint is not the issue of whether homosexuality is right or wrong. In a free society, people should be able to hold either belief without being discriminated against for it, and consenting adults should be free to do what they want within the privacy of their own homes.
The problem is that the militant gay movement is determined to gain legal preference for their view on the issue, and then use the law to attack anyone who disagrees with them. If that means discriminating against people of faith, so be it.
In your mind, you may be perfectly willing to stomp all over the rights of people of faith to get what you want, and lump them in with racists, the KKK and so on. But religious freedom is a very different thing. You are not going to be able to drive faith out of society by social or legal pressure. You are going to have to kill people.
This movement will fail, even if it succeeds. The only question is how much damage will be done. Part of the reason is that everyone knows, regardless of the politically correct cultural discourse, and regardless of whether they have religious faith or not, that human sexual functioning exists for the purpose of propagating the species. Even from a purely Darwinian viewpoint, that is clear. It is also clear that human beings have found infinite ways of indulging in sexual activity, not just two or three (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, etc.). People have sex with animals and inanimate objects. Some people are into S&M. Thanks to shows like Jerry Springer, we know that some people gain sexual gratification from dressing up in diapers. There are heterosexual transvestites. The list is infinite, and the idea that these are all inborn, unchangeable traits is absurd.
What it really comes down to is a question of expanding Civil Rights to include almost anything. We might as well (and may soon) establish obesity, alcoholism or drug addiction as special protected classes under the Constitution. By claiming Civil Rights for every conceivable interest group under the sun, the very concept is de-legitimized.
Ultimately, we have gotten into this situation because of "identity politics". Instead of seeing people as individuals, we see them as members of groups, pitted against each other in constant battle. It is one of the ultimate legacies of the Baby Boom generation. We have discarded fact, reason and truth in favor emotion, self-centeredness and entitlement. We are charging headlong into drastic actions, with no one asking the important questions about what the consequences will be. You can apply that from Iraq, to Global Warming, to Gay Marriage. It's all the same.
Forget about establishing consensus and coming to proper conclusions. We have, as a society, from top to bottom, adopted the mantra "Don't Confuse Me With the Facts!". We don't even attempt to find out what the facts and truth are before we form opinions. We just know what we want, and we're going to get it, and we don't care what we have to do to make it happen.
It can't end well.