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I'm pretty sure the 4T started on 9/11. That would mean the swing away from authoritarianism would have started...right about now. Tea Party?
Are you sure? America wasn't ready. We were still decidedly 3T, as shown in the recent election of George "Weak Governance" Bush, a leader out of the Fillmore/Harding mold: a leader who asks little of people while enabling their greed and unfounded optimism in their own talents and the effectiveness of a speculative boom.
The generational composition was clearly 3T: the adult Adaptive generation was still at or near the peak of its power, some members still in their late fifties. That's analogous to the late 1750s, the early 1850s, and the late 1910s. Were those times 4T? Then neither was 2001.
In any event, look at the American response soon afterward. To the positive we didn't round up people because they were Muslims (which would have been a crass blunder). Americans panicked some, but I can't imagine the phrase "Go shopping!" uttered by Abraham Lincoln in April 1861 or by FDR in 1941, and not solely due to linguistic anachronistic.
A 4T leader would have told people:
1. To prepare for major cutbacks in consumption -- especially of imports.
2. To quit using so d@mn much petroleum and energy on the whole (drive less, carpool, turn up temperatures on air conditioners and turn down temperatures on heating in the winter -- and wear sweaters inside to tolerate inside temperatures in the 60s in winter).
3. To give up bad habits like alcoholism and drug use.
4. To get in shape so that one can be fit for military duty if young or for work in a defense plant if not so young.
5. To save more and buy war bonds -- and absolutely DO NOT HOARD!
6. To plant Victory Gardens.
7. To prepare for blackouts.
8. To be alert but do not accept rumors at face value.
9. To expect tax increases as well as new taxes.
10. Make it do or do without. Patch and repair, make things last another season...
We weren't 4T in 2001. We are now.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters