Hey Kepi, enjoy this documentary that shows the 7 wonders of the Buddhist world.
At this point, the host specifically mentions how the hippies helped bring Buddhism to America, and how big it has grown in "the last 40 years" since the 2T, as well as how it first came to America in the
previous 2T. Boomers have had a good impact.
One of the 7 wonders of the Buddhist world is in Los Angeles, imagine that! And built in the 1980s.
The 2T has left its mark on Xers and Millennials too. The revolution is proceeding apace, as well as could be expected.
I'm not sure what you "get"

New traditions
exploded in the 2T. And old traditions were brought back, even as the superficial
non-traditions of America were thrown out. Justifiably so, because they consisted of nothing at all.
The Romans did
indeed create a world culture, by the standards of their time. There was lots of exchange in the Empire, and even with the east along the Silk Road. Then the new culture of Christianity conquered the Roman
culture, although it was not what brought down the Empire itself. But that took 300 years. We are only a century or so into our own new "imperial" era. Our current civilization will be around another 400 years. Indeed, the West
has already fallen. It fell in 1914. What has succeeded it,
is the world culture (not a "coming" world culture, but the now-
existing one!), which the West (and not America) created by making it possible. But the result is
cultural exchange, just as happened in Rome.
And Christianity was a very rich source of art in the Western world; the biggest source by far in fact. No, you can't compare it to mariachi bands!