691. October 21 plot (11/1/2011)
The Feds used to create big events such like natural disaster, terror attack and war to distract public attention from the case they framed on me. They used to have their assets to spread the disaster information to cheat religious people.
The Feds prepared a framed case on 10/21. 10/21 was Friday – trash collect day in my community. They prepared a big earthquake on that day and let Harold Camping to announce it was the world end day to justify the disaster. The similar attempt last time of “The judgment Day” was 5/21/2011. My wife was arranged a trip to East Coast between 5/20 and 5/22. (see “670. New warning in May (5/20/2011)” and 671) This time she was arranged a Philippine tour from 10/18 to 10/26.
I know the disaster was an earthquake because they prepared a largest drill the world has ever seen on 10/20.
There were two earthquakes took place on 10/20 to justify the coming planned big quake. The miracle was that in last world end prediction, there was also a similar earthquake (magnitude 3.6) took place on 5/21. See #571.
You can see that was a routine job. From organizing the trip, action day selection (weekends) announcing the Judgment Day, to the scale of the cover up earthquakes. It was a skilled technique.
Of course, there was Iran war as I always said. ABC News reported Harold Camping’s prediction on 10/11. Next day A.G. Holder and FBI Chief Mueller announced “Iran’s plot to assassinate Saudi ambassador in US”. The comments in the Internet mostly think it is a sting to justify a war on Iran.
692. Iran war (11/8/2011)
To justify a war on Iran, the accusation is that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. To push the Americans to support the war, the Feds did a lot of provocateur work.
- Psychological work: Intimidate public with nuclear crisis. We saw on 3/11/2011, an earthquake in Japan which damaged the nuclear plant in Fukushima. Media blew the trumpet to make it another Chernobyl case. Then in June, (timing is important here. Remember the Operation Geronimo was on May 1st. ) They prepared two nuclear disasters in US. One was in Calhoun Nuclear Plant in Nebraska, the other one was in Los Alamos nuclear Lab in New Mexico.
Insiders knew the disaster to come in advance, gave a warning.
You also can see how US media is under the control of the Feds. They didn’t report the disaster, although it was at #4 emergency level, same level Fukushima had had. They were waiting for a false flag nuclear attack from “Al Qaida”. They wanted to make a shock and awe. When people were frozen in nuclear panic, Pentagon could activate a war.
The nuclear disaster hadn’t developed further because their main case failed to go through.
- A false flag nuclear attack to justify war on Iran.
(1) On April 25, Five days before “Operation Geronimo”, so said “Al Qaida” knew Bin Laden would be “killed” and threatened a nuclear attack.
(3) May 1st, Operation Geronimo. Bin Laden was “killed” in a corpse less show.
(4) June 8, an announcement from Al Qaida justified the planned June nuke attack.
Though the June plot failed, the Feds still plans one before the end of the year – before Pentagon has to withdraw the troops from Iraq in 2011. So we saw Holder and Mueller have pushed out an “Iran is to assassinate Saudi Ambassador in US soil” case and now this news:
Government changed the “kill Bin Laden” story again and again. It made their credit notorious low. They don’t care. Yesterday they let out a new one. What’s the purpose? My point of view: It’s a trick to remind public of Operation Geronimo. It’s a psychological tactic to let people believe it is a “revenge from Al Qaida” when a nuclear attack happens,.