Unemployment update: The U3 has risen to 9.9 % and the U6 is up to 17.1.

A terrorist who is liKely tied into the Pakistani Taliban attempted to explode a bomb iin the Times Square district of New York City. The authorities were successful in averting the possible disaster.
Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens announced his retirement within the last month.
Stevens was the last moderate Republican on the court and had since the retirement of fellow moderate Republican Sandra Day O'Conner 2005 found himself usually in the minority in 5-4 decisions. Previously O'Conner had provided the 5th vote upholding precedent in the face of the determined and currently majority hard right.
An offshore oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico has blown out and is spilling 5000 barrels,which is 210,000 gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico everyday. Efforts to cap the well have thus far proven unsuccessful. On a related note the gas stations in western South Carolina are now selling regular unleaded at about 2.80 a gallon. It had been going at about 2.55 before the spill.
In the UK a hung parlement has occurred for the first time since 1923. The Conservatives by finishing first will have the first chance at forming a new government. However, there is no minor party that naturally aligns with the Conservatives to take on as a coalition partner.
This may open the way for a Labour-Liberal Democratic coalition. But such a coalition is likely conditional on the unpopular Prime Minister Gordon Brown stepping down. In fact the one thing that does seem certain is the Brown's term in office is effectively over even if Labour can cobble together a coalition.