Originally Posted by
herbal tee
In the long run, IOW 2012 or later, yes.
This year will not bring about a non corporatist majority in Congress.
There will still be too many 3T era politicos in power next year.
There is even a theoretical risk of a Republican house next year.
Given the current state of that party a separation of powers meltdown is possible.
If they o get a majority I believe that they will revert to their 1990's strategy on steroids.
Specifically, they will try to shut down the Federal Government over some budgetary issue. They are also likely to impeach Obama over some bogus, trumped up so called Constitutional issue.
Just as with Clinton the Senate will aquitt the president along party lines
But this isn't the 1990's anymore. In one sense,the sense of being in a social moment, we are closer to the 1960's now than we are the 1990's. Nothing is guaranteed to hold over the next several years. We are at what Strauss and Howe called "the great gates of History."
The America of the 2020's would be as unfamiliar to us now as the America of the 1980's would have been to an American of the late 60's.
Like all jonesers I was a child in the early awakening and grew into a young adult by the time it ended. And I'd like to think that even if I didn't know about this theory that with my love of history that I would be intuitably aware enough to know that the fast change from 1967-74 , from the summer of love until the Nixon resignation, was somehow the most relevant part of my life in understanding how quickly things will change over the next few years.
And our government structure is not able or willing to deal with rapid change. We see that today in the ineffectiveness of protecting our Gulf Coast wetlands from the consequences of corporatist greed to the inability to come to grips with the fact that we have a double quagmire in Iraq and Afghanistan. There's a lot of 3T policies running on autopilot and Obama shows no sign of begin able or even more than halfway interested in cutting them off.
Almost anything is possible over the next several years.
A joke Jane Seymour tells Henry VIII in the BBC mini-series: The Six Wives of Henry the VIII is:
King Louis of France once condemned a man to death, and the man pleaded to King Louis for his life to be spared, saying that he would teach his favorite horse how to talk within a year's time. When the man told his friend about his good luck of how Louis pardoned him, his friend said: But you cannot teach a horse to talk.
The man responded with: Be silent you fool, for within a year, Louis may die, or the horse may die, or I may die, or the horse may talk.
"There have always been people who say: "The war will be over someday." I say there's no guarantee the war will ever be over. Naturally a brief intermission is conceivable. Maybe the war needs a breather, a war can even break its neck, so to speak. But the kings and emperors, not to mention the pope, will always come to its help in adversity. ON the whole, I'd say this war has very little to worry about, it'll live to a ripe old age."