First off, welcome to the forum

That's pretty much what my most optimistic scenerio sounds like.
The other main possibility is that we continue in 3T culture war politics for too long and lock in a long hard 4t followed by an austere recovery.
Resource, especially oil shortages coupled with price spikes while job growth disappears.
Sounds like the entry level economy we jonesers found about the time we were old enough to drive, work and fill other young adult roles in the seventies.
When we thought about the world the adults were getting ready to hand us, well some of us played songs like
At least my age cohorts won't feel totally lost.
Hey that basic strategy worked for me through parts of my 20's and early 30's.
We jonesers had to deal with the reality that we occupied the post boom year entry level job market.
It was hard for even a college graduate like me to get a middle class level job. As for myself I worked as a retail clerk before ecoming one of the burned out 100 hours a week store managers.
I believe as Neil Howe does that this 4T started with the real estate bubble bust/stock market crash of 2008.
We're just not the same country that we were in 2007. No one is going to take on debt that can be avoided almost to the point of it being a life and death issue. Any government that tries to spark the economy with consumer debt fueled purchasing is going to be a failure.
That seems to be the bedrock reasoning behind austerity as far as I can tell.
Somehow an economy that no one has enough confedence in to risk their own capital is supposed cure itself.
Ironically if we Americans get lucky we'll avoid austerity as a policy and continue the slow leveraging of the middle class that is happening a families pay down their persona debt. I'll go out on a limb abd write that if we're stupid enough to privatize Social Security and/or Medicare the hard 4T and austere 1T I mentioned above is what I see as the likely outcome of those policy choices.
In short I think that this election and the so called debt negoations that are supposed totake place afterwards are going to matter. For better or worse the rest of 2012 is going to be, as I see it, a key time of the 4T