This thought has been spinning around in my head for some time & I decided to make a thread where we could talk about the possibilities of:
A few of us have discussed & pretty much come to the conclusion that MegaSaeculums exist, where 4 Saeculums = 1 MegaSaeculum. Could the same be true looking closer & at smaller events in history?
What I propose is that within Turnings there are mirco periods where there are 4 micro-turnings occurring within 1 Turning. Where the larger Turning would still have the general feeling of the Turning, but within that Turning there would be smaller waves of societal growth & development occurring on micro-levels that would ripple out and effect how society developed over the course of the Turning & thus the Saeculum.
An example, using a High:
HIGH - high: The society completely is crystallized and institutions are developed
HIGH - awakening: Diverging ideologies overtake society
HIGH - unraveling: The ideologies battle out for control of the period
HIGH - crisis: The ideologies threaten to tear apart what society has just created, so drastic change is put into effect.
So I would label mini-turnings with lower case letters and after thinking about them they would usually run like this (in simplified terms):
mini-high - the society crystallizes the culture that will exist over the course of this Turning
mini-awakening - the society divides into two (or more) ideologies that will develop during this period
mini-unraveling - the ideologies battle each other and decay & begin destroying the larger Turning culture
mini-crisis - the culture of the Turning can no longer be supported and a new identity that'll ferment into the next Turning's cultural identity forms & begins to take over &
push through drastic societal changes
When the same mini-turning occurs within the same larger cultural Turning, that mini-turning will come to be the sole definition of the cultural Turning. So a
HIGH-high is the cultural crux of the high & becomes the definition for the rest of the High. An
Awakening-awakening is what people will remember the Awakening culture as well; etc.
So using the last few Turnings, I came up with this:
IMO the years/lengths don't really matter, but the societal movement through them do.
UNRAVELING-high: 1907 - 1912: Roosevelt's America (he defines it more than Taft did)
UNRAVELING-awakening: 1912 - 1917: Wilson's America
UNRAVELING-unraveling: 1917 - 1925: WWI & The Jazz Age
UNRAVELING-crisis: 1925 - 1929: Bubble/Boom Economics & The Stock Market Crash
CRISIS-high: 1929 - 1933: Hooverville
CRISIS-awakening: 1933 - 1938: First New Deal
CRISIS-unraveling: 1938 - 1941: Return to Depression
CRISIS-crisis: 1941 - 1946: WWII
HIGH-high: 1946 - 1950: Truman's America
HIGH-awakening: 1950 - 1955: McCarthyism vs "Communism"/Liberalism
HIGH-unraveling: 1955 - 1959: Golden Age of Rock 'N Roll
HIGH-crisis: 1959 - 1964: Rise of Liberalism
AWAKENING-high: 1964 - 1968: The Great Society
AWAKENING-awakening: 1968 - 1972: The Summer of Love
AWAKENING-unraveling: 1972 - 1978: Watergate
AWAKENING-crisis: 1978 - 1984: Rise of Neoconservatism
UNRAVELING-high: 1984 - 1990: Morning in America
UNRAVELING-awakening: 1990 - 1998: 1990s
UNRAVELING-unraveling: 1998 - 2001: Millennium Celebration (cut short by 9/11, should've lasted until 2003 or 2004)
UNRAVELING-crisis: 2001 - 2008: 9/11 & The Long War Period
CRISIS-high: 2008 - 2012(?): ??? <--WE ARE HERE
CRISIS-awakening: 2012(?) - 20??
Therefore, the disputes over 9/11 being a Crisis or not can be settled. It was a mini-crisis and it disturbed the natural development of the Unraveling Turning culture, cutting short the UNRAVELING-unraveling. And drastic changes occurred in order to set up the Crisis society we now live in. And currently what this Crisis is about is becoming more and more crystallized with each passing day and the Crisis society culture is beginning to fully develop and become established.
So, any name suggestions for the current CRISIS-high we're in?