On the contrary I've been trying to talk to you in the language you've been insisting on speaking.
And you just said what I've been saying all along. You're missing the point that a micro-crisis is a period when one turning is dying & the other is being born. Vast political & social changes are taking place & being pushed through to put us into the next turning. When these changes die or slow down, then we've reached the "High" of the next turning. And the "High of the Unraveling--as you've just admitted to--begins in 1983 / 1984. That is after Reagan has fired the air traffic controllers (1981), after the assassination attempt (1981), after Lennon's Death (1981), after the Economic Recovery Act (1981), after the Miracle on Ice (1982), after the main Anti-Nuke Movement's protest--the Boomer's last "gasp" you might say--and as you've pointed out before it already was shifting towards 3Ting with it's concert ending (1982), after his Job Training Partnership Act (1982), after Unemployment began turning around (1983), after the "Evil Empire" speech (1983), after the economy recovered (1983) , after Lebanon (1983), after Granada (1983), and after the Strategic Defense Initiative (1983).
All of the above indicate "dying" or "corrupting" of the old turning & "birthing" of the new turning to me. Around 1983/1984 the rate of change begins to calm down and the micro-crisis ends. When the period of change stops, that's when I mark the beginning of the micro-high--and 1983/1984 indicates a slow down of change or the reaching of a "calm sea period" as you put it yourself.
Similarly, the Unraveling-Crisis ends in 2005 when Bush no longer is given "carte blanche" due to 9/11, and the rate of "impending changes" comes to a grinding halt. The Crisis-High continues, even through the economic panic of 2008 & rise of Obama-mania as he approaches the problems of the nation in a Clintonian manner. And plenty of Boomers who voted for him (that I recall speaking with) weren't voting for "Change" or "Hope"--those words mostly worked on Millennials--or if those words did mean something it was a "Change" back to when "things weren't that bad" and recapturing the "Hope" when "things were pretty good when we last had a Democratic president (Clinton)". They got exactly what they wanted, ironically enough & it proved that Unraveling Democratic policies couldn't address Crisis problems. Obama's attempt to instigate a lot of policies that Clinton wanted to pass (Healthcare) but never could, sparked the Crisis-Awakening through the Tea Party.
Actually they assigned 1964, not 1963, as the date. A lot of people like to make Kennedy the "turning point". S&H put a good argument for it in
Generations I believe, but I do not have it on me at the moment.
However, we can agree that underpinning Turnings--Micro, Macro, & Mega--is an underlying reliance on archetypes & symbolism of sorts. So indulge me for a minute or so to talk about the symbolism of Spring & Comedy--which are the archetypes of a High.
Archetypes for a High: Spring & Comedy
A High is a movement towards Spring & Comedy. Comedy takes place in Space, not Time. Tragedy & Unravelings are all about the inevitability of the clock to dictate our lives & Time is always "ticking away" most unconveniently and in an out of controlled manner in a Tragedy. The tragic hero runs himself ragged trying to beat Time--which is dictated by Fate--but finds he can only beat Time if he commits a grand sacrifice. A Crisis is a transition from an out of control ticking clock to a clock that barely moves at all--a slowing down of the clock. Comedy & Highs therefore are about Space--where the passage of Time is meaningless--what's important is the Space & the travels between one Space and another. Many examples can be found in Shakespeare, where you have the perennial example of: Corrupt Urban World vs Rejuvenating Green World. In
As You Like It we move from the corrupt court of Duke Frederick to the pastoral world of the forest of Arden, where enmities are put aside, love is found & purified, and the corrupt Duke is converted to religion and relinquishes his claim to the throne.
Tragedies can feature Space as well--but most often it is the inverse of Comedy & one world introduces the ticking clock. In Othello, Venice is a place of justice and fair rule through the Duke & Cyprus is a wild Green World that is out of control, easily corrupted & manipulated by Iago--who begins the ticking clock--and leads to the destruction of Othello.
So space or environment is important to Comedy, Spring, & a High--it's when the ticking clock stops. And the ticking clock stops ticking for me in 1983/1984. It's still going in 1980 & 1981. Morning in America is all about encountering a new "space" it's the "Green World" of the Micro-High. America became its own "Green World"--or so Reagan promised--most especially in the promise of Boomer Exurbia. The Cities were a disaster. Small towns weren't that much better. Rural communities seemed like an oxymoron. And the suburbs were the stage of the Xers, where parental neglect, decadence, and corruption were everywhere as only John Hughes could portray them.
However Exurbia, a Boomer redefinition of Suburbia where houses weren't so close to one another, built around a man-made lake, defined by a gated fence, where nature was only on the edge of the backyard in the woods--that's where the "Green World" of the Unraveling lived. It was their "Communities behind a Gate" akin to the "City on a Hill" of Puritan Generation fame. Where Millennials could go "play in the woods" and "be back by sunset" without Boomers having to worry. Or "wander the neighborhood" or "go play with friends" with Boomers perfectly secure that nothing could possibly get inside the fence. It wasn't until the Unraveling-Awakening would Exurbia be attacked by Boomers themselves in adult books & later
television shows aimed at their children that made Exurbia
a corrupt neogothic environment to worry about just like Suburbia & the City had already been made into over the course of the Awakening. As much as an Awakening is about "high ideals" and "trust" it's also about a Romantic battle of the heroic champions of those Heavenly ideals versus monsters & demons unleashed by Hell, culminating in a communion with Heaven & the defeat of Hell. It isn't until the Unraveling-Crisis that these gated communities & exurbia become seen as more of a problem than a solution: Twilight Zone -
Evergreen &
In our own Macro High we had a "Green World" or "Arcadia" of sorts: Hawaii, Polynesia, & California. For California it was only as Disney could sell it (Disneyland) & Steinbeck preach about it in long waxing passages of description of the Salinas Valley (East of Eden).
Remember all those
Beach party movies? That was a commercialization of the Green World ideal designed for Hot Rods, War Babies, & Aquarians to buy into. However
South Pacific especially plays into this idea as well & presents it in the traditional manner in the song
Bali Hai. However the beach wasn't the only "Green World" available in the High, as
The Parent Trap shows in the rise of summer camps, as well as the vineyards & hills of California (as Susan says in the film: "Get her to come out to California. Boston is no place for Romance"). My 1943 father remembered that there always was a "split" between Beach-people & Mountain-people. My Dad was a Mountain person and my Mom was a Beach person. A Boomer teacher I had in High School once waxed a quarter of a class away remembering her youth when she spent summers in the Catskills.
So when looking for a High of sorts (micro or macro), look for the clock to stop ticking & space to take over. That's clearly there in 1983/1984--the clock was still ticking in 1980/1981--albeit slowing down I'll admit.