Originally Posted by
Eric the Green
Of course! When you're right, you're right!
That's the fact TODAY; not 80 years from now! We'll stop kicking the can before this 4T ends in 2028-29.
The only mega I think works is the cycle of civilization. So, the mega 4T was the last one, during a time of transition from one civilization to another. The last saeculum straddled that transition era.
The Revolution was not the creation of a new civilization; it was a rather-minor event, comparably speaking; a transfer of government authority from one entity to another, with little real change resulting. Not a Mega 4T at all, and not the start of any large cycle.
The civil war saeculum was the period of the new frontier, and was mainly agricultural until its late stages. It was a romantic era; the opposite of a 1T. It was our most inspired period in literature, for example. Transcendentalism is characteristic of 2Ts or 3Ts, and not at all of 1Ts.
There's absolutely nothing 2T about the progressive, new deal and WWII era. It was materialist and about power building most of the way. To call it 2T is to think that Awakenings are only about politics and economics. No, Awakenings are about spirituality and the arts, as well as cultural liberation. WWII was not moral; it responded to the worst tyranny in history, which grew out of the collapse of a civilization; a mega 4T. A necessity, and a matter-of-fact, industrial response to inescapable realities. No moral choice involved at all.
TODAY? Ours is a mega 1T. America has never been in a better position in the world, through most of this saeculum if not all. Our decadence is because we did not get moving on the Awakening enough. Sexual freedom and individuality reigns greater in regular 2Ts and 3Ts; nothing new there. Culture wars are not a big deal now since the 4T began; economic and foreign policy are uppermost by far. A blue victory in the culture wars has been easy on some issues these days; no war needed. The last culture war election was 2004. It amazes me that many people here say "culture wars won't friggin' die." Yes, they have. The blue side won. The division of the country remains, because this is a new civil war era. Our country is divided; that remains a fact.
But there has been lots of new prohibitions on sexuality in recent years; the obsession with molestation for example, sexual harassment, and the censorship of the media. Fear of crime has caused tightening of society; prosecutors and juries assume guilt, and parents watch their children more than is needed. Our greater freedom in the 2T had the potential to also become a Renaissance, but did not. That is the fault of American civilization; the potential is not there for it in the USA. We have always been crass commercialists, and we continue to be. So, nothing really new about our "decadence" at all. It is the nature of American society. And it is typical of 1Ts to be uninspired. So ours is a mega-uninspired, materialistic 1T, in spite of an Awakening that challenged this, and which is ignored by folks here and by most younger folks today. Too bad. MEGA uninspired 1T. Materialism, spirit death and boredom to the max.