Originally Posted by
B Butler
In Eric's reality there are spiritual truths that can be learned through spiritual methods. Different people using similar spiritual methods should find the same sort of basic Truths. One can make a case that various groups of pacifist spiritualists have come to similar conclusions, though Eric occasionally steps out of the envelope, taking the odd position that is inconsistent with my own dabbling in occult spiritualism. At a guess, he is not yet an Ascended Master.
Of course, methods of spiritually proving that a spiritual truth is indeed Truth will often not be convincing to those who don't embrace spiritualism. [/undertatement] It's hard to explain, but you should assume that if you spent enough time meditating properly you would realize that Eric is always right in spiritual matters. [/irony]
He will sometimes distinguish between spiritualist truths in the spiritualist realm and more objective truths that fall in the realm of science. He will sometimes acknowledge that one can learn much through science. That's fine when he stays consistent, but he'll at times try to explain science to someone who knows and respects science more than he does. When one of his spiritually proven spiritualist ideas is conflicted by science, it follows that the science must be wrong. For some reason, the scientists sometimes question this.
He doesn't seem to get that such conversation results in bad karma, is apt to lead to conflict, strife and petty name calling. One has difficulty achieving harmony, inner tranquility and beauty while telling scientists how science works, and doing the telling badly. Still, it is sometimes necessary for him to disparage this bit of science or that. Otherwise, he would have to reevaluate spiritual truths he has grown fond of.
Of course, explaining to an evangelical that his interpretation of the Bible isn't the only possible interpretation leads to similar bad karma. Explaining to conservatives that the Laffer Curve that proposes decreasing tax rates increases tax income seldom if ever works is also bad karma. Contradicting anyone's core beliefs is apt to produce bad karma.
Which is the core of why many to most of the discussions one encounters in these forums feature bad karma.