Man, I detect some bad vibes.

Here, let me help.
Ummm... Yeah, the lyrics are a bit hard to discern, so here they are.
Yeah, they got the actual amount of billions of year of carbon wrong, but hey the magnitude of billion seems about right.
So yes, we're stardust.
So yes, we're several billion years old carbon. (Except that short lived carbon-14)
So yes,there was a lot of smog back around 1970. A lot more than there is now.
So yes, there are a lot of folks who feel like cogs in something turning. Just ask your local Wally World employee.
So yes, I do gardening.
So yes, I do have investments in gold. Ain't nucleosynthesis grand or what? You know, it's cosmic, man.
As far as actually attending Woodstock. Nope, I was only 7. My guess is that the reference to jet planes is in regard to 'Nam.
At least we did make necklaces out of dandelion stems and stick the flowers in our hair in 1st grade. Woodstock is my time portal to first grade, more or less. So, Vandal, spark up a blunt, play Woodstock, and just enjoy life. Sheesh.