Can you tell me the difference between a fluid and a liquid? What's the difference between a liquid and a gas? What is a supercritical fluid?
As I originally stated, it hasn't been formally recognized yet. BTW: I notice you ignored the example I actually gave of Uus. Why is that?Ha! I guess I caught you off your game and behind the curve. According to wikipedia:
Ununtrium is the temporary name of a chemical element with the temporary symbol Uut and atomic number 113. Also known as eka-thallium or simply element 113, is an extremely radioactive synthetic element (an element that can be created in a laboratory but is not found in nature); the most stable known isotope, ununtrium-286, has a half-life of 20 seconds. Ununtrium was first created in 2003 by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia.
1- I did admit to making a mistake earlier in this very thread.But would Vandal ever admit a mistake? Not likely.
2- You didn't catch me in a mistake. You didn't understand what I meant when I said that only 114 have been formally recognized.
3- A new element isn't considered discovered until multiple labs have repeated the synthesis and IUPAC formally agrees to accept their results and designate the actual name and symbol for the element. Element 113 is likely to be the next element added but that hasn't happened yet. As I accurately pointed out because I'm not faking my knowledge of chemistry.
I'm finding it harder and harder to recognize you as people. Especially since you are singular and people is plural. [/snark]But you still find time just to throw insults at people.
You quote mine. You misrepresent. You lie about their work.Trashed a scientist's work? I'm not so sure about that one.
One of those wasn't even a scientist. Of course since you don't understand what science is, we can hardly expect you to know the difference between a journalist and a scientist.The fiercesome foursome of atheism maybe: Dennett, Harris, Hitchens and Dawkins.
No. Do you really not understand what a plasma cutting torch is? Place a gas inside a light bulb and it will explode. Create a plasma inside a fluorescent bulb and you get high efficiency light.So what? Don't ionized gases behave the same way as gases in general?
Seeing always involves energy. Looking at a painting involves your retina absorbing photons.So you admit that what we see is energy, as I said. (no, you won't admit I was right).
If you use completely different meanings for the same words, then in fact, it doesn't.OK, unless it does.
The source of the energy is not a fire.The energy released by the Sun is not energy, then?
No it doesn't. Those changes can occur without a fire. The same net reaction occurs inside our bodies, at a slower rate, as cellular respiration without a fire.But the fire happens, and that changes things.
The fire is the result of the changes.
Says the guy who routinely claims that I and others are on his ignore list.No I don't. Your theory of my (or others') behavior is just an excuse to insult someone. You are mean-spirited, defensive, and unwilling to conduct an honest dialogue.
In other words, when it comes to the science I understand it better than you.Your comments typically don't provide any information. When they sometimes do, it is information circumscribed within your dogma. But it might be correct within those limits.
But you keep presenting these people as researchers when in fact they make their living by selling books, not research. They are book sellers.No, I have done both myself. But you refer to new age authors as booksellers; that is as inaccurate as anything you say I have said. A "bookseller" only sells books; new age authors (or others you might label as new age) also write books.
New Age pablum that means nothing.Translation: they don't fully subscribe to your dogma about the only true source of knowledge; the way, the truth and the life.
Wave-particle duality was established in 1905 by Einstein's paper on the photo-electric effect, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize.You're wrong again, as usual. The double-slit experiment is less than 100 years old.
Max Planck posited the quantum hypothesis in 1900.
Neils Bohr's model of the atom, including quantum leaps, was published in 1913.
The two-slit experiment was formulated later but was built upon science that had been around for decades.
The ideas are popular with New Agers because they don't really understand them the way scientists do (observer effect). The New Agers like to claim that the science confirms their beliefs but it doesn't.I can't find a precise date for one experiment off-hand, but quantum theories were developed in the 1920s. Further experiments in the 1960s until today have demonstrated non-locality and quantum-entanglement; ideas popular with new agers, but nevertheless the work of scientists.