Originally Posted by
Eric the Green
Rags has said that he has experienced pre-cognition.
True. However, I never ascribed any scientific theory to explain it or have expectations that science is even the proper tool to do so.
It is good to seek more understanding of psychic and other paranormal phenomena.
Eric can provide folks or information that haven't been discredited.
My thoughts about this might help steer you in a better direction.
1. When will Eric get off his soapbox about Wiki censorship. Nada info there. It comes off as whining.
2. When will Eric get off his soapbox wrt Xer's?
That does not help.
3. Uh, Sheldrake is no help. He's got:

You have to start with
acknowledging that it is woo-woo, and will always
be woo-woo. Or, at least
some of the things we can't explain physically, will always be woo-woo.
Yes, quite so. When's Sheldrake gonna get this?
And physical explanations, since they are limited in their power to explain, do not clear away woo-woo at all. The world remains
entirely woo-woo!
If you have experienced woo-woo, then there is no point in putting down other kinds of woo-woo.
But you can be skeptical, because claims can be false or deceiving.
Science can be a check on false claims. Not an absolute and certain check, but fairly reliable.
Finally! It's taken how long for you to get what Vandal and I've been getting at. Science ain't the right tool. People who ascribe science to explain woo-woo tend to step on their dicks.
However, science is NOT reliable, if it tries to reduce woo-woo to what it isn't, based on dogmatic assumptions never themselves verified.
Gads. If people who study woo-woo dosn't suck science into their stuff that wouldn't be problem, would it?
One such assumption is that "matter" or observable phenomena is unconscious. There is no evidence at all for this assumption.
Try getting a dog. My dogs seem to know whether something is conscious or not. They're very interested in birds or Mr. bunny rabbit. They don't give a rat's ass about the rocks by the fence.
Personal experience is a better check. Ultimately,
you are the only basis for your knowledge.
on stuff like woo-woo. Science can very well tell what elements a particular star has by looking at the star's spectral lines for example.
Trying to explain how woo-woo or anything else "works," is trying to explain woo-woo as non woo-woo.
Yes, and again, that's why ascribing science or attaching science to woo-woo = dick stepping.
It is using the metaphor of human-made machines that "work," to explain Nature, which is not human-made, is not a machine, and does not exist in order to carry out our commands.
Nature doesn't "work," it just flows forth in being. It self-organizes. It is alive and organic.
Define "nature".
Stars aren't alive nor are the minerals in my rock collection. Some of my minerals are organized as crystals because of the laws of nature. Ditto on how stars form , evolve , and then die.
You can't find out how psychic abilities or other woo-woo "work." The point is to verify (to the extent possible) that it exists, to experience it and develop it; to learn from it. Your own consciousness, which is connected to all consciousness, is the only explanation you need. Woo-woo's existence verifies that the world is
spiritual. To explain the spiritual as material, is to try to explain it away.
No, they are 2 different entities.
To complain that you don't
know consciousness or woo-woo because "you don't know how it works," is to complain that woo-woo and consciousness have not been reduced to matter yet.
No. I'm not complaining about anything. I'm just not an arrogant fruit bat that knows.
1. I've experienced woo-woo
2. Yeah, OK, but I don't know how the hell it works and I'm OK with that.
But what if it
can't be so reduced? And why
should it be so reduced?
When you find someone who isn't tainted with rubbish, I'll catch you the next time around, OK?
Matter is as flaky a basis for explaining the world as spirit, spooks and ghosts are. Much more flaky, in fact.
Then don't do it that way.
You experience your own consciousness at every moment. No-one has ever experienced matter. It is just a flaky idea. The solid and other states of being; yes. "Matter?" WTF?

I'm experiencing matter right now. The atoms on my right palm are touching the atoms on my forehead.
Last edited by Ragnarök_62; 06-20-2014 at 08:10 PM.
MBTI step II type : Expressive INTP
There's an annual contest at Bond University, Australia, calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term:
The winning student wrote:
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and promoted by mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end."