You atheist/materialist guys would say the same thing in a 2T, just as you did here. Just as my parents and their generation said in the 2T. So it's not about the turning in that respect; we need
both welders and philosophers in
all turnings. It's just a difference in emphasis, and application.
No, Marco Rubio is still wrong.
Especially about this. Is he right about anything? No, just charming and smooth.
Of course, to some extent, it IS about generations. Idealists generally like some philosophers to be around; civics and nomads generally don't, and prefer welders. Of course, as I also said, the idealists
here during the 4T are also not very philosophical. But a lot of Boomers are probably still idealists like me. Just not on
this forum; not anymore; not since 2008.
But, I apologize if my generational generalizations are too tightly-drawn