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Here's one: Who on here remembers segregated video stores? By the mid-1970s most racial segregation was forbidden, but another form of "separate but (not actually) equal" began that would last for a little over a decade. You could not watch videos from the other side because they wouldn't play at all. Can anyone guess what I'm referring to?
To be technically accurate, it still exists as an issue, but it's less of one now. Here's the DVD and Bluray Region Code breakout. DVDs had 8 region codes, including 2 reserved for the travel and recording industries ...

... and Bluray only has 3.

I'm not sure why Europe and the Easy Asia were one region for DVDs, with the Americas and East Asia are one region for Bluray. BTW, I always buy an all-region player, given the option. It doesn't do much for you unless you just have to have that French film that never made it out of France, but the price difference is small.
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.