A Forecast That Obama Could Love
Published: November 20, 2010
THINGS are looking up for Barack Obama.
Jennifer S. Altman for The New York Times
Ray C. Fair, the Yale professor (and a marathoner), sees better economic conditions in the next two years.
You might not think so, given the flow of news lately. His foreign policy has met with limited success, at best. And, back home, unemployment is mired at 9.6 percent. Earlier this month, in a major political blow, Democrats lost more than 60 seats and control of the House of Representatives.
So what is there for Mr. Obama and his supporters to cheer about?
Try this: Based on the facts at hand right now, Mr. Obama is likely to win the 2012 election in a landslide. That, at least, is the prediction of Ray C. Fair, a Yale economist and an expert on econometrics and on the relationship of economics and politics.
What’s the basis of this forecast? In a nutshell: “It’s the economy, stupid.”
That’s the smart-alecky slogan that James Carville, the Democratic strategist, used to focus the 1992 presidential election campaign and propel Bill Clinton to victory. But after many years of study, Professor Fair has found that it embodies a certain truth: The state of the economy — which includes the wealth effect produced by rising and falling asset prices — has a dominant influence on national elections.