Huh, speaking of water... well, they certainly are going to run out in Southern Cal and the rest of the desert Southwest, with the aquifers being depleted, and the Colorado River reduced to a trickle at its mouth from all the aqueducts coming out of it. So many millions of you folks living in an area that would naturally support so few. There are things I like about the desert climate, but I like that I live in a water-abundant, albeit chilly, state (Minnesota), while I see water wars coming to you folks fairly soon....
(I remember one Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico suggesting we somehow divert water from the Midwest/Great Lakes region to the Southwest, and that instantly turned me off to his bid for the Dem Prez nomination. The Soviets tried something like that with their Central Asian territories, with pretty nasty ecological consequences.)
I know, you're talking about global climate change and reduced glaciation in the mountains that source many of the world's great rivers. Just saying though, there's a little pot-kettle thing going on in this post, with so many millions of y'all living where millions weren't meant to live (in a country where mobility and choice of location is far easier than most, and with a wider variety of ecosystems and climates than most to choose from)

(Edit: Actually, it looks like you're from Northern California (San Jose), so I guess this wouldn't apply directly to you, as Northern Cal is naturally much more sustainable water-wise--but it does apply to much of your state.)