Originally Posted by
Deb C
Do you think that asking to keep Obama accountable for his numerous broken campaign promises as a circular firing squad? It just really looks like a double standard when we on the Left yelled loudly when Bush took us down the road of war and favored the corporation. Yet, when Obama does similar things, we excuse him with statements about his not being a saint.
Holding our representatives accountable is our first and foremost responsibility as citizens. I'm grateful that more and more of us are awakening to that reality.
When the other side is worse in every way....
We know what the Republican Party now stands for -- crony capitalism, a ravaged environment for quick bucks, male dominance within a family, militarism, sadistic or sociopathic narcissism among elites, extreme social hierarchy, brutal management, superstition and pseudoscience, heterosexist bigotry, and special favors for Fundamentalist Christianity and the more bloodthirsty factions within Roman Catholicism. I can't quite say racism because these people would treat poor people of all origins equally -- badly. It's practically a re-imposition of the Gilded Age ideology that died in Russia when Lenin took over.
President Obama is no saint, but just look at the Other Side. That side wants to create plenty of incentives for being born into the Right Family and disincentives for much else. So how do I become a Rockefeller?
We don't need political saints to lead us. We need tax laws that encourage small business instead of giant corporations, more spending on education so that children of poor families have a competitive chance, a culture that fosters diversity as richness instead of threat, and a culture that sees pacifism as loyalty. We need to divest ourselves as a nation of the pathologies that looked so attractive in the preceding 3T. Now that we see the consequences of an ethos that proclaims "Devil take the hindmost" and "I've got mine -- $crew you!", what do we do with the inevitable losers and their innocent loved ones? Do we tolerate a new form of serfdom in which those left behind are expected to become dependents of those who tolerate their existence only in severe poverty and subjection? Such has shown a tendency to become outright slavery. In view of the cleverness of elites, they can create something similar to a prohibited relationship bereft of one critical feature of law and create a permissible horror.
The current GOP stands for transforming the vices of the 3T other than those with obvious origins in the ghetto or barrio into the American Way of Life -- never mind that such an "American way" is unsustainable and abominable due to its accretion of fascist and feudal elements that most of us thought were left behind in Europe or had been dismantled here.
Last edited by pbrower2a; 05-15-2011 at 12:10 PM.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters