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There is a fundamental element of how the left operates, that goes hand in hand with the other elements of socialism. Taking the word socialism in its broadest sense, you can see that they are trying to take away individualism and force people into an involuntary relationship with others.
The "Left" is no more a monolith than the "Right". No more than I would confuse Mohandas Gandhi with Leon Trotsky would I confuse Sir Winston Churchill with Adolf Hitler.
Is the whole Left inconsistent with individuality? Not in the least. Do high-quality public schools destroy individuality? Does 'socialized medicine' destroy individuality? Maybe you fantasize some archaic idea of "rugged individualism" in which everyone competes for everything and the strongest prevails. Ask yourself this question: is the Law of the Jungle conducive to individuality?
The way that it works in a social setting is by playing upon people's natural desire to not be disliked. They try to control the social environment by ostracizing anyone who disagrees with them. You can observe them ganging up together on cue to do it. They're bullies and cowards. They're inherently dishonest, and will use any tactic at their disposal to achieve their goals. They will call you any name, accuse you of any crime, in order to intimidate you into shutting up and going along with what they're trying to force on you.
As if some of your buddies on the Right don't do that. What is the smear of the day? "Baby-killer"? Terrorist enabler? Pinko? Fellow traveler? Union goon?
You may not really agree with them, but if they have anything to say about it, you will knuckle under and pretend to agree with them to avoid them making your life a living hell. Orwell's
1984 illustrates that aspect of socialism in an extreme form.
Maybe you don't fully get 1984. All words have no meaning when they supposedly have great import. I read the book closely enough and I see a hierarchical order in which Party members are themselves in a hierarchy as rigid as any aristocracy, and all others are proles to be exploited. Anyone with any capacity to lead get the choice of joining the Party or being destroyed. It is socialism only to the extent that nobody owns and operates a profitable business -- but neither is there any pretense of social justice. "Every man for himself" is the rule, fear is everywhere, and -- significantly -- words and their opposites are equated. A "Joycamp" is a concentration camp. The "Minitru" is the ministry of propaganda -- as a rule, lies. "Minipax" covers for a militaristic bureaucracy. Oceania is simply a madhouse, its methods and purposes always a well-hidden mystery except that anyone who challenges it will be tortured, eliminated, or both.
Whether you agree with her politically or not -- the treatment given to Sarah Palin is a textbook example of how they operate. If she does not run for president, the only reason why will be because of how badly the left wing machine has beaten her up, attacked her family, and tried to destroy her with everything at their disposal. That has been their primary goal for the last two years, and if she doesn't run, it will have worked.
Sarah Palin showed herself a pathological liar. She thus became fair game when she spoke of "death panels". Remember well that the Obama Administration plays far fewer linguistic games than its predecessor.
They may not break your kneecaps with a lead pipe the way their union thugs used to back in the day, but they will do the social equivalent to you if they can get away with it. Coercive groupthink is the central, and perhaps most vile aspect of socialism. It's why they work so hard to dominate the media and the schools.
Yeah, right. Giant corporations were always squeaky-clean when dealing with unions. They never hired thugs to beat up union organizers. They never blacklisted anyone who showed any support for unions. Have you ever been to a union meeting? There's far more diversity of thought in a typical union meeting than there is in an executive suite full of people self-selected for holding the same values. Violate the norms and you are an outsider.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters