The majority of Americans want two of the three primary functions of the federal government - big insurance program and a huge army. I would guess once they see the consequences of not extending the debt ceiling, they will also want that third function of consistent debt payer.
These three primary functions make up over 4/5's of what the federal government does and what our federal taxes pay for. The vast majority of Americans either wants hands-off or some relative minor tinkering. If you, on the other hand, want to dismantle these things, or call it socialistic, fascist, or red pinko communism destroying freedom fries - well, then, it is you who are in a tiny minority.
Perhaps you should consider leaving because whether the GOP regroups and again pulls the wool over your eyes that we can pay for these things and lower our taxes at the same time, the magic ponies are eventually going to go away.
Your taxes will be going up. Imagine, all the way up from 35% to 38%, oh, the horror!
But, poor baby, the real killer for you is that the federal deficit problem will be solved, the Medicare/ Medicaid/ SS shortfalls will be solved, we'll still have a more-than-sufficient standing army, and we will continue to pay our debts.
What will you then have to whine about?
Don't worry, with all the attention that can then be turned to the real problem of getting the economy going again and unemployment/under-employment/wage stagnation, I'm sure you'll find some commie-facist-hippy-thingee to whine about.