Originally Posted by
The Grey Badger
"Originally Posted by Lady Vagina View Post
You have what?
But according to your website and wiki page and tyour postings, you often drop the fact that your daddy was a big player for JFK. I did not know that JFK recruited top tier diplomats from the ghettos and trailer parks.
I hope for your return."
By referring to living in a 3-bedroom house and going to public school as living in "a ghetto or trailer park", Lady V. has marked herself as a child of such privilege that all three are equally a sign of lower-class poverty.
And from her direct quote, it's obvious that she's been so surrounded by and steeped in the neo-feudal aristocratic viewpoint, that the notion of someone of rank recruiting from the lower orders is not only unthinkable, but can only be a transparent lie, because in her world, people of that class recruit only from others of their own class, oh, dear me,yes.
Then why is she crying over the poor oppressed victims like the "genocided" Indians? The quotes being because there are plenty of Indians still around, though I sincerely doubt she'd like the redskinned rednecks we have a lot of out here. I do, but then, I'm of the lower orders myself. Public school, one car in the family, shared a bedroom with my sister, oh, my, how can one endure such squalor?
Well, I won't try to read the good lady's mind. But historically, while the nobility have said some nasty things about the peasantry, the arrival of the middle classes on the scene triggered quite a bond between the lords and the good, salt-of-the-earth peasants who knew their place in the social order and shared many of the same values. Charming, innocent natives often fell into the same category -- "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din" -- as did lions and tigers and bears and other exotica. And besides, the people committing the genocide were those nasty old middle-class and trailer trash emigrants to our virgin shores. Vulgar beasts that they were.
At any rate, I'm sure Her Ladyship won't want to hear the crass, crude spouting of an old lower-middle-class former office rat. Now, if only we'd vanish off the face of the earth and reduce the surplus population....