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As far as Obama's successes you state, he sat back and allowed an overwhelmingly Democratic congress pass by hook and crook an unconstitutional health care plan that most likely will be killed in the supreme ct. and a financial reform bill that is stifling the recovery. Hardly successes. In foriegn policy I see few success. Bin Laden was his only one. If you are alluding to Libya as the other one I hardly see that as a success. Sitting back letting the Euros mishandle it for 5 mos and then at then end jumping in and claiming credit...please....We havent seen the end game by a long shot, what crazies are going to take over? More Sharia law following nutcases is my bet.
1. We aren't going to get any messages from the late and unlamented Osama bin Laden on September 11 this year. He may have been a dying man in April, but I see no reason to believe that he would die before September 11 had he not been whacked.
2. The collapse of the insane and sociopathic rule of Moammar Qaddafi came with amazing speed. I don't know whether the military opposition to the mad leader was reading the handbook of revolutionary warfare of Vo Nguyen Giap ... but the results so suggest. It is part of the syllabus at West Point, and I wouldn't be surprised if the US supplied some copies in Arabic translation. The Fall of Tripoli has uncanny similarities to the fall of Saigon in 1975... but this time it is going to look good for the President of the United States.
3. Any carping about the Europeans mishandling the Libyan Revolution is an exercise in pointless perfectionism. Maybe D-Day could have gone better for the Allies...
4. The only obvious nastiness in the wake of the overthrow of Qaddafi is the execution of African mercenaries who didn't get out fast enough. Mercenaries have few protections under the Laws of War, and those who committed such crimes as firing into crowds of peaceful protestors ask to be executed after a revolution is over.
5. Qaddafi alleged that the Libyan Revolution was done on behalf of al-Qaeda, which is patently absurd. Do you wish to believe Qaddafi? There is no evidence that the largely Sunni Muslim population of Libya has any use for Iranian-style fundamentalism. Libya has quite possibly the most pro-western population in the Middle East except perhaps for Israel and the Christians in Lebanon.
6. We have our own crazies (Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum) to concern ourselves with, thank you. We have religious sects as reactionary and anti-modern as anything that any Ayatollah believes in in Iran, thank you.
I do agree that if the country percieves things as better in the fall of '12 Obama will clearly benefit and probably win. If it remains stagnant than calling Perry crazy or Romney an empty suit (although he clearly is more of a "full suit" than Obama was in 08 or even now frankly) won't work.
You don't quite realize the weaknesses of Mitt Romney (he is more a destroyer of jobs than a creator of them in his "restructuring" of businesses), let alone Rick Perry. President Obama isn't campaigning -- yet. In the next few days he gets to do some governing -- getting relief to states that Hurricane Irene hit. In view of how he dealt with a tornado outbreak in Alabama -- for which the Republican Governor gave him much credit -- I wouldn't bet against this President. The region that Hurricane Irene has hit or is likely to hit contains 140 electoral votes that the President won in 2008 even without Florida and South Carolina that were just 'brushed', so even the cynic in me would expect the President to lavish aid on afflicted places.
Watch the polls in the next three weeks.
In the House, the Dems will have thier work cut out for them as redistricting is going to work aganst them in many states. The Senate is even bleaker with many red state Dems up for re-election. Of course it will all go down to Obama, if he does well, the Dems have a shot, if he loses, the House will not flip and the Senate will probably go Repub.
Uh, no. The Republicans did everything possible to redistrict states in the wake of their victories in 1980, 1990, and 2000, so there isn't that much more that they can do. One of the states in which the Republicans have been able to gerrymander most effectively is Indiana, where in a normal election the Democrats would reasonably be expected to hold only two Congressional seats. The Republicans managed to box Democratic and republican districts so that two districts have Democrats likely to win seats with near-certainty (Obama won those districts with about 60% of the vote in both areas) and a bunch others so that the Republicans will compete against Democrats in districts in which President Obama won only 45% of the vote in an unusually good year for Democrats.
Indiana is conservative, but it isn't crazy. Democrats who don't have some of the cultural baggage that President Obama has could win some of those districts against Tea Party types, especially if the Tea Party Cult tries to defeat Richard Lugar in the primary. Gerrymandering does no good for a Party with an agenda widely rejected.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters