Originally Posted by
Eric the Green
Here is a closer look at the presidential candidates, using my revised statistical system based on my extensive research concerning which presidents and losing candidates had which planetary aspects in their charts, and other factors. I have summarized this in my score, indicating positive advantages vs. detrimental liabilities. I have listed them in overall order of presidential fitness and fortune this year.
Barack Obama 8-2. He has a few good aspects, indicating endurance, energy, perspective, personal ease, adaptability and rhetorical skill, and few liabilities except occasional unpopularity. His low positive score shows that his skills have their limits.
Mitt Romney 11-5. His skills include personal ease and optimism that pleases the public (a strong Moon-Jupiter conjunction is always a good indication), as well as perserverance and adaptive perspective. He has some flair with words, but he has a tendency to be wavering and nervous at times. His tendency to make drastic changes is well-known.
Ron Paul 12-5. He has aspects that indicate good strategic skill, focused energy and rhetorical flair. His chart is typical of missionary types with cult followings and radical or dogmatic attitudes. He has the same Mars-Uranus opposition that was so much trouble for Howard Dean. He is 76 years old too.
Newt Gingrich 11-5. Like Perry (below) his strength is mainly in his conservative, perservering Saturn aspects, plus his aggressive Mars in Aries. His flair for ideas shows up in his Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Gemini. He has weak adaptability, and his personal ease and confidence is not great (weak Jupiter). His overall strong score, the same as Romney's, is already keeping him in the race longer than was expected. He may be his next challenger. He is now 68 years old, which is getting up there.
Gary Johnson 18-4. He has a lot of skills, especially in his adaptability and steadiness, and few liabilities as a politician. Popular with conservatives for his tax and budget policies as NM governor, which were very effective, he could be a powerful dark horse candidate, except for one thing: he is going through his Saturn return now. A current Saturn return, or one upcoming in the next 3 years, is usually the kiss of death, unless a president has one during an election; even then it's a bad indication for his term. Johnson's Saturn Return will last several more months, and by then the primaries may well be over. It seems to be successfully keeping him out of the limelight. Perhaps if he got better known, he might be more successful in 2016. The Saturn return is one reason I predicted Howard Dean would lose in 2004. His weak Moon leaves him with less ability to connect with popular feelings than some other candidates.
Rick Perry 9-5. He has some aspects that make him a popular hero with a rhetorical flair, but they are not powerful, so he can't count on these too much. Conservative Saturn is very powerful in his chart, which makes him liked by conservatives and capable of a Spartan-like endurance, but hard to elect nationally, and this Saturn emphasis may also indicate his sluggish, unadaptable and rigid personal approach that shows up in debates.
Jon Huntsman, 9-6. He has some Jupiter aspects that make him likeable and positive, which is good for American politicians. He has some minor liabilities including a weak Mars-Uranus opposition that could make for unsteady behavior. He has a good reliable character, but since his Uranus is weak he is not very charismatic as a leader.
Herman Cain 6-6. Inspirational, adaptable, but unsteady. He does not have a lot of aspects seen in presidential charts.
Rick Santorum 7-7. He has good planning skills and perspective, and is a smart communicator, but has little else going for him. He may even be subject to spells of strange behavior.
Buddy Roemer, 10-13. Charismatic with powerful leadership skills and energy, he has already shown the tendency indicated in his chart to make himself unpopular and fail to get things accomplished.
Michelle Bachman, 14-13. She has a lot going on in her chart; a lot of skills, and a lot of liabilities-- including the reckless, firebrand Mars-Uranus opposition. The clincher is the fact that her Saturn Return is due in 2015, which indicates she would not be elected this time out.
Another factor sometimes considered is close connections to the USA chart. George W. Bush's Sun exactly aligned with the US Sun helped keep him in favor. Barack Obama has the USA Moon degree as his rising sign. His Venus is close to the USA Venus. These give him a good popular connection. Herman Cain has Saturn over the US Mercury (his financial ideas have appeal for their conservatism), and Ron Paul has his Venus conjunct the USA Neptune (which is related to his appealing desire for peace).
I have looked at some indications before the election too. These are not always completely reliable, but in general they indicate that this time the incumbent will win. Another factor is where Saturn is currently in the candidates' charts. These indications, plus the scores and interpretations above and the Saturn return cycles mentioned, forecast that Barack Obama will defeat Mitt Romney in November.