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More reflection on this: If you look at many things in his first term, Obama has pretty much given us the same Presidential leadership as we would have seen in a third GWBush term, with a few exceptions like DADT and healthcare. Considering his background -- anti-war and community activism, who could have seen this coming?
Is the answer, maybe Neil Howe could have seen it coming? Doesn't this strongly make the case that generations and their attributes have far more to do with the direction of the country than the leaders do? Thoughts?
Reality is that President Obama inherited the mess that Dubya left behind -- two nasty wars, much anti-American sentiment that Dubya inspired, and a nasty and dangerous economic downturn. Such shapes what is possible. So does political reality, which makes a huge difference between 2010 and 2011.
As I see it, the assassination of Osama bin Laden well fits the style of a Reactive generation. It is an ambush analogous to a Lost-era gangland hit in Capone-era Chicago or the FBI (the director was the Lost J. Edgar Hoover) elimination of John Dillinger. Of course President Obama thought of pragmatic concerns-- like leaving behind no body to become the focus of a shrine to terrorism. Necessity can trump ideals.
What you see is nothing new. Who was more a supporter of capitalist profit, power, and privilege than George W. Bush, good buddy of bigwigs at Enron Corporation? Yet in the wake of the 2008 financial collapse, nobody in American history signed off on so many nationalizations of failing enterprises. George W. Bush became by default the most socialist President that we ever had. People who had no warlike tendencies before becoming President have ended up waging war. Former generals at times become the ones to establish a lasting peace by stopping the revenge-seeking at the end of hostilities. Just think of Douglas MacArthur as the effective regent of Japan -- no looting of the Japanese economy, no degradation of Japanese culture, and effective measures to revive the inchoate and suppressed democratic tendencies in Japan from before the years of thug rule.
In any event, character matters greatly. Barack Obama so far seems to show many Reactive virtues -- the salesman's knack for figuring out what others most want (good for politics and diplomacy), a tendency to strip away baroque excess to simplify procedures, and a chilly rationality. This is still new to American life, at least among people who have always (Silent and Boom) seen Barack Obama's generation as juniors not fully to be trusted. He obviously takes some getting used to. But at that he has few Reactive vices. If he has hurt feelings, he seems to keep them suppressed. He isn't greedy and materialistic. If he offers no new morality he at least picks and chooses from Boomer moralities to the extent that they are useful. He is a stickler for process and procedure... much like the sort of Reactive military leader most effective as a commander of soldiers, sailors, and flyers. He respects the intellect as a source of solutions.
Boom and Silent liberals would have as big trouble with a conservative from Generation X as Boom and Silent conservatives have with Barack Obama -- as is shown with Sarah Palin, whose political faults are far more egregious.. But say what you want -- Barack Obama seems to act more like a composite of the two last Reactive Presidents that we had -- and those two (Truman and Eisenhower) were fine Presidents -- than like any of the GI or boomer Presidents that we have had. He is definitely not a "third term of Dubya" (someone like Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, or Rick Santorum would fit the bill for that -- and they are Boomers).
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters