Okay, I'll bite.
Yes politics is not a science and economics is not a precise science so there is some wiggle room there for politicians (and their supporters) to suggest that, in regard to the
truth ,one economic theory is just as good as the next and an ideology build upon one or the other is just some personal choice perhaps based on whether one is truly virtuous or not... or some other rationality.
However, there are facts that are, well, facts. And if the facts fit one theory much more so than another, well, maybe that should tell you something. And, if the ideology that is based on a fact-less theory are highly damaging to a vast array of people, then those spouting the fact-less theory and ideology should be subjected to as much of an argumentative pounding as needed - the objective not necessarily being to get the fact-less megaphones to shut up but to open the eyes of others that the only value of these fact-less megaphones is silly-ass entertainment somewhat along the lines of the Three Stooges.
Let me choose a couple of facts that most folks on all sides of the political spectrum seem mostly incapable of grasping -
Our federal government's spending is not constrained by its taxing revenue nor by its borrowing capacity. The only thing that constrains federal spending is that when combined with private sector spending, total demand will outstrip the economy's ability to supply and sustained generalized increases in the prices of goods and services will then rise (i.e. inflation) at rates harmful to economic activity.
Further, as indicated by this chart -
- the fact is that there has been no correlation between such inflation and federal budget deficits for at least the last 82 years.
With those facts in mind, please explain how your personal belief that "Keynesian economic theory is shit" is derived. And if you can't, please explain how not only you, but a host of 'real economists' and clueless politicos that agree with you shouldn't be subjected to repeated deriding poundings until we all get a good laugh out of it.