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Wow, PB, we may make a free-booting capitalist out of you yet! So you must think that people who are extraordinarily gifted in money management or extraordinarily gifted in running a business should be compensated well. Good for you!
We need more capitalists (and hence competition). The people getting the great pay have been getting it either for destroying the competition or treating subordinates badly. The sociopaths have been winning the economic war, and if they win, even they lose in the end. Who wants to live in Mob-dominated Newark?
I hardly deny that stewardship of existing assets is a rare talent. Ten years ago I would have figured that Kodak Corporation would last forever. Then as digital cameras came into being that Kodak would adapt. Now... So much for my skill with a crystal ball.
Sorry, but this is simply untrue. The tenured faculty at these institutions do quite well, thank you, some even making it into the 1%. Warren has lived large on the boat floated by student loans and government consulting fees. That these kids may spend the next 20 years paying the loans back? Well, the education is worth it, right?? We got people lined up to pay it, right? Nothing to see here. Move along.
For some professors, side income (from consulting fees and book royalties) can be bigger than the teaching salary. That does not figure into the cost of education (unless the professor writes his own banal text on calculus or freshman composition and charges $500 for it after making it the mandatory text, which would be corrupt). Grad school? You might expect that because of the narrow market and limited number of suppliers of texts.
She represents a special interest which will do nothing to interrupt the gravy train. You will not hear any calls from her to reduce academic pay, tighten up on student loans, or make non-profit universities taxable entities. Of that you can be sure.
Lots of things would be cheaper if employee compensation were cut. But who would buy the stuff except importers in other countries?
Now the adjunct faculty - that is a different story - but then they are the little people, right?
I figure that many of those are in early-career stages (who really wants to teach freshman college courses in gigantic lecture halls?) or are part-time teachers.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters