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Many of the posts in this thread neatly illustrate what put Gingrich over the top. Conservatives, in the eyes of the left, the elite and the media, are always motivated by bigotry.
Bigotry? These fellows stand for equal-opportunity ruin for the non-elite for the enhancement of the wealth and indulgence of the economic elite. They are as likely to $crew white people as they are to $crew blacks or Hispanics. Poor whites are the last to catch on -- don't ask why. If they ever figure that the Hard Right is $crewing them they will turn on those elites.
Whether it be religious bigotry, racism, or something else. Juan Williams made such an accusation against Gingrich in last week's debate. Rather than doing what nearly every Republican politician does, which is to cower from racial McCarthyism and apologize for having done nothing wrong, he said "no, I am not a racist for saying the welfare policies of the Democrats hurt people instead of helping them, and I'm not going to sit here and let you make that charge against me". He got a standing ovation.
Juan Williams is a conservative. Unless they are insulated tokens, even conservative blacks know what racism is.
The Hard Right loves to reduce political discourse to sound bites beyond analysis or criticism. Sure, if only people had to choose between starvation of their family and working to exhaustion for a pittance or even under peonage they would do the "right thing". Real progress is that the economic norms of the Gilded Age are a distant memory. The economic elites that the Hard Right serves can profit greatly from a cheap-labor, high-cost economic system.
Later in the same week, another moderator (following the lead of ABC News) tried to use Gingrich's private life against him. When the left tells us constantly (as they did for Bill Clinton) that people's private lives should be off-limits, but then repeatedly uses that kind of attack on their enemies with impunity, the hypocrisy is overwhelming, and eventually it's going to backfire. Especially since Gingrich has converted to Catholicism, openly admits his past sins, has publicly asked for forgiveness, and the behavior in question is almost 15 years in the past. The timing of it, clearly intended to be the primary equivalent of an "October surprise", also backfired mightily. People realize that the elites are trying to rig the game, and they're not going to play it anymore.
Newt Gingrich is a dishonest, moralizing, pretentious, corrupt politician. He has had three moral failures in marriage.
This poem in the original German was masterfully set by the composer Gustav Mahler (of course "masterful" and "Mahler" form an inherent redundancy) -- with music that wonderfully catches the futility of religious outreach to hypocrites. The fish, turtles, and crabs love the sermon of Saint Anthony of Padua ... and revert upon its completion to their old predatory, corrupt, sensual, indulgent ways. But they loved the sermon!
Eels, pike, sturgeons, and carp have the excuse that they are still fish, and the turtles and crabs are still turtles and crabs. So what is Newt Gingrich's excuse? I would not be surprised to find that he loves the Vespers of Monteverdi, Bach's B-Minor Mass, and the Requiem Masses of Mozart, Berlioz, and Verdi. So do I -- but I do not pretend to be a Catholic.
In short, all of the slanderous garbage being spewed in this thread is precisely the reason why Gingrich has caught fire. He's shown a willingness and an ability to stand up to it, call it the lie that it is, and not back down. So you can go on telling yourselves that people don't vote the way you want them to because they're a bunch of knuckle-dragging, backwards bigots. You're just motivating them to vote that way even more intensely.
If you will notice I scrupulously avoid the derogatory stereotypes of southern white people as "a bunch of knuckle-dragging, backwards bigots" (I cite you on that). People are not "trash" because they live in trailers; I know people who have lived in trailers, and I have met such people in Census work and in political canvassing. Some good people -- retired people, recent immigrants coping with low income, people with cr@ppy jobs -- live in trailers. I can imagine myself living in one one day. People are "trash" because they do horrible things to people, whatever their class affiliation, their wealth, and their income, their titles, and their education. Trash can be the usual gutter life of pimps and pushers -- or, on the other side, WWII-era European aristocrats who collaborated with Hitler in the Holocaust.
Put simply: You say they vote the way they do because they're bigots. When in reality they're voting the way they do, at least in part,
because you keep calling them bigots. Get it?
People can vote for a reactionary economic agenda for reasons other than bigotry -- like being perpetrators of the agenda or figuring that if they only get to be enforcers they could live very well. I just can;t think of anyone having an honorable reason for voting for or otherwise supporting the politics of cruelty.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters