Originally Posted by
The Rani
Yes, and if Catholics really want to use contraception and get abortions, they can find another religion or break the rules ... and risk going to Hell, I suppose.
But that's their call, not anyone else's. Trying to frame it as a civil rights issue is kind of silly.
If it does become the law, Catholic groups will have to decide how to handle it. Probably the courts will eventually decide the matter, don't you think?
If they do, I have a feeling that they will rule the law to be unconstitutional.
White supremacy has never been a mandatory belief in any established religion.
Life beginning at conception has.
No, I'm not trying to frame it as a civil rights issue.
That is just a clear example of federal law preempting other entities like states and businesses - the issue is federal preemption not civil rights. I could have used environmental pollution controls, labor laws or a myriad of historic federal preemptions but civil rights tends to be the one most people can grasp as a clear and often-presented historic example of federal preemption (its on the History Channel, in one form or another, about every week).
I was assuming that you were okay with federal law preempting the discrimination of the nature prior to the Civil Rights Act (discrimination that goes far beyond your club exclusion example). So, the question to you was what is the basis for your discernment between federal law preempting those entities and now the Catholic Church. I asked if it was religion, but then wondered if you would have been okay with no federal preemption on civil rights if those states and businesses had claim their actions were based on religious belief.
It now seems to be that your discernment is based on the Catholic Church being an "established religion" and a determination if they have a "mandatory belief" system germane and counter to the federal law in question.
Then the question becomes who (and, how do they) make the decision on what is "established religion" and the validity that it contains a "mandatory belief" sufficient to counter federal law?
Your answer seems to be the court system and its determination of whether the federal law is constitutional.
I find that puzzling because our discourse started with this statement from you -
If the government or anyone else tries to do it, not so cool.
Given that the judicial system is part of the govt, it seems you are in fact cool with the govt telling the Church what to do. No?
I thought we had decided to leave this to the bureaucrats.
"The Devil enters the prompter's box and the play is ready to start" - R. Service
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"Keep your filthy hands off my guns while I decide what you can & can't do with your uterus" - Sarah Silverman
If you meet a magic pony on the road, kill it. - Playwrite