Originally Posted by
Exile 67'
In my opinion, the condition of our society is for the most part stable. I live in a capitalist climate that is for the most part moving, stable and alive.
You and I live in what may be the purest plutocracy that doesn't haul people off or kill people for dissent. We get a raw deal from our corporate masters and we are expected to thank them for their generosity in treating us like livestock instead of vermin to be exterminated. Things are undeniably worse for most Americans than they were thirty years ago.
Moving? Sure -- ensuring that more income and wealth go to far fewer people despite more work under harsher rules for the rest of us. Stable? Only in that it keeps the same agenda -- All for the Few, I've got mine, Screw you! Alive? Your beloved 3T of inequality, sociopathic leadership in business, and government by lobbyists is alive because of the huge infusions of cash into the political process to keep it going -- cash extracted from working people.
So, what you're saying here is thinking about yourself is OK in general. Or were you saying that thinking about yourself is OK as long as you're a progressive and everyone else who thinks about themselves are selfish or bad people. Actually, the hot button social issues benefit the elite Progressives far more than they benefit the R-wingers.
The economic elites act with consummate selfishness as if it were the greatest of all virtues, but it demands selfless sacrifices from everyone else. Take the trend of economic inequality far enough and you will have an economy in which a quarter of the workforce consists of domestic servants, perhaps granted only what the economic elites deem appropriate for them, of the economic elite. That is capitalist, all right -- if your idea of 'capitalism' is the plantation Tara (Gone with the Wind) with workers so scared of their bosses and ownership that they mighty as well be slaves.
You, Exile '67, are getting the shaft -- and you don't realize it.
In other words, it should be all or mostly about you right.
So in your view it should all be mostly about a few people getting what they want and disseminating back as little as possible to humanity as a whole.
"Enlightened self interest", the idea behind free enterprise, is for all lest capitalism devolve into feudalism or its modern version, fascism.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters